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noahalzayer edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 5 revisions

For the Quickly Made Scripts: An Even Quicker UI Maker...

Scratch Paper is a tool that gives the ability to make simple to fairly complex Qt PySide2 UIs in a short period for those small convenience functions we all write during the course of the day but never get around to making UIs for.

What Does it Do?

Scratch Paper allows a TD/Technical artist to save those quick convenience scripts we all work on, then either delete or comment out, then never get around to making a proper window for, to save in to a searchable window with tabs and frames for organization and the ability to take user input, save values to preferences and more.

Who's it For?

Any decently Python-literate person who tends to write quick workflow scripts that don't usually warrant or have opportunity to be properly UI'd up, and therefore end up living in monolithic scratch file(s) commented out to be uncommented and ran next time they're needed. It also makes for a nice way to test out a tool that requires input as you're developing as it's easy to refresh as you update.


It was made for a Maya 2018+ environment primarily, but was designed to theoretically work in any PySide2 Environment even outside of Maya, though some functionality (as denoted throughout the documentation) will be specifically geared towards Maya, and with a simple edit to the import statements, should also theoretically work in any PyQt5 environment (or with some creative search and replace to combine QtWidgets with QtGui, should also be functional with PyQt4 and PySide 1)

Where Can I Get It?



How Does It Work?

See the sidebar on this Wiki for more information. Startup: Using the Tool is a good place to start.