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A browser-game display library for the Demiurge world-simulation library. You can use it to make simulation-style browser games.


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Pixiurge provides a Websocket- and PIXI.js-based browser game front end for a Demiurge simulation engine.

Demiurge is a library for easy creation of game rules and behavior using Ruby. Demiurge stays powerful, simple and easy to test by only handling simulation, not display. Pixiurge leaves the simulation to Demiurge and displays the result.

Pixiurge's tech stack includes:

  • Pixi.JS (though you can build other display technology if you like)
  • Demiurge
  • Websockets using Faye and EventMachine
  • WebPacker for CoffeeScript and other front-end tooling
  • The Tiled Sprite Editor and its format (TMX/TSX format, TMX JSON format)

Pixiurge is intended for creating simulation-heavy browser games that don't need fast response -- it's for interactive novels and simulated gardens, not multiplayer "twitch" games.

Getting Started

Whether you're getting up to speed on an existing Pixiurge project or starting a new one, documentation is important. See the documentation page for various good starting points and the API documentation for a more in-depth treatment.


For creating a new Pixiurge-based project, see "Usage" below.

To install Pixiurge outside of a Gemfile or project:

$ gem install pixiurge

If Pixiurge is already part of a project's Gemfile, just run "bundle" to install all gems for that project, including Pixiurge.


Ordinarily you'll use Pixiurge by creating a new game or similar gamelike application that uses the Pixiurge gem. The recommended way to do that is with the "pixiurge" command:

$ pixiurge my_project_name

This will create a new project directory with important files and directories set up for you. You'll want to run "bundle" to install the appropriate gems, and you'll probably want to create a new repository in your source control system of choice. If you use Git:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Pixiurge projects start with a .gitignore file. Its contents may be useful if you want to exclude appropriate files in a different source control system.

You can find documentation on writing a new Pixiurge game in the Pixiurge documentation, at the WRITING_A_GAME page.


To develop a game on Pixiurge, you'll need TLS (secure sockets.) Any new Pixiurge game comes with a "start_server" script which will create a local self-signed certificate so you're secure from the get-go. But you'll need to get your web browser to let you use a self-signed certificate with a localhost URL (or use a URL redirect - if you're used to SSL for development on localhost, this is a familiar problem.)

I recommend Googling for "Google Chrome self-signed certificate" and doing what it says.


For testing and other purposes I sometimes use CC0 (Creative Commons Zero, effectively Public Domain) artwork of various kinds. Luis Zuno (, Daniel Harris (Hyptosis, and Kenney Vleugels (, all have wonderful CC0 work that I use. With CC0 I'm not required to credit them and neither are you, but it's good karma to pay them if you make money off their work. It's also good karma to mention them when you use their work, as I do here.

CC0 is wonderful because I don't have to worry about licensing, at all, full stop. Creative Commons licensing in general is awesome - I certainly don't mind crediting people for what they do. But I want to set any future Pixiurge users up for success, so I try to only use assets with the least-restrictive licenses. I remember DikuMUD too well, you know?

I do not use any of the wonderful free GPL-licensed artwork out there because it's incompatible with the MIT license I use for my open-source coding. The GPL wasn't really designed for art assets like sprites or sound effects and it's not entirely clear how that should work. I steer clear of GPL and try to use CC0 where possible because I don't want to police all of you or encourage you in illegal directions.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A browser-game display library for the Demiurge world-simulation library. You can use it to make simulation-style browser games.



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