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YouTrack Python CLI


❯ pip install youtrack-python-cli
# OR, if you use virtualenvs or conda envs in your working repo, use pipx:
❯ pipx install youtrack-python-cli


The script needs a YouTrack URL to target API requests, and a token for auth.

3 configuration methods:

  1. set into current repo's git config:

    ❯ git config youtrack.token "$YOUTRACK_TOKEN"
    ❯ git config youtrack.url https://your-youtrack-server/api
  2. set via environment variables, YOUTRACK_URL and YOUTRACK_TOKEN

  3. set via command line parameters, --url and --token


As git pre-push hook

See the pre-push example, which can be copied directly into .git/hooks/pre-push. That example checks the commit title for the YouTrack ticket ID as the first item, for example EXAMPLE-1234 some commit title.

Running standalone

❯ youtrack-cli --url "https://your-youtrack-server/api" --token $YOUTRACK_TOKEN get --confirm-prompt --ticket example-1234
                                                  Issue data for example-1234
┃           Key ┃ Value                                                                                                     ┃
│    idReadable │ EXAMPLE-9377                                                                                              │
│       summary │ Test ticket title                                                                                         │
│ assignee_name │ Jane Doe                                                                                                  │
│ reporter_name │ jane                                                                                                      │
│   description │ Long description, truncated to max of 1024 characters                                                     │
│           url │ https://your-youtrack-server/issue/EXAMPLE-1234                                                           │
Type the ticket id to confirm: example-1234



Manual (TODO this should happen via tag push automatically!). Steps are:

# 1. bump version, eg just the patch:
❯ poetry version patch
Bumping version from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2
# 2. store version for remaining commands
❯ _VER=$(poetry version --short)
# 3. Save version bump
❯ git add . && git commit -m "Bump version to ${_VER}"
# 4. Create annotated tag
❯ git tag -a {-m=,}${_VER}
# 5. Push
❯ git push && git push --tags
# 6. Build pypi release artifacts
❯ rm -rf dist && poetry build
# 7. Publish
❯ poetry publish --username=__token__ --password=$(<~/.noahp-pypi-pw)
# 8. Github release stuff
❯ gh release create --generate-notes ${_VER}
❯ gh release upload ${_VER} dist/*

And all-in-one for copy paste:

poetry version patch \
  && _VER=$(poetry version --short) \
  && git add . \
  && git commit -m "Bump version to ${_VER}" \
  && git tag -a {-m=,}${_VER} \
  && git push && git push --tags \
  && rm -rf dist && poetry build \
  && poetry publish --username=__token__ --password=$(<~/.noahp-pypi-pw) \
  && gh release create --generate-notes ${_VER} \
  && gh release upload ${_VER} dist/*