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Add missing parse script from 1a61b5c
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nocarryr committed Apr 3, 2018
1 parent 1a61b5c commit 83b83cb
Showing 1 changed file with 291 additions and 0 deletions.
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions pyltc/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
from fractions import Fraction
import subprocess
import shlex
import datetime
import mimetypes
import json
import argparse

from pyltc.framerate import FrameRate, FrameFormat
from pyltc.frames import Frame

def _cmp(o1, o2):
if o1 < o2:
return -1
elif o1 > o2:
return 1
return 0

class Timecode(Frame):
def from_str(cls, tc_str, **kwargs):
l = tc_str.split(':')
df = False
if len(l) == 4:
h, m, s, f = [int(v) for v in l]
elif len(l) == 3:
if ';' not in tc_str:
raise Exception()
df = True
h, m = [int(v) for v in l[:2]]
s, f = [int(v) for v in l[-1].split(';')]
kwargs['hours'] = h
kwargs['minutes'] = m
kwargs['seconds'] = s
kwargs['frames'] = f
fr = kwargs['frame_rate']
ff = FrameFormat(rate=fr, drop_frame=df)
kwargs['frame_format'] = ff
return cls(**kwargs)
def get_dt_time(self):
h, m, s, f = self.get_hmsf_values()
fr = self.frame_format.rate
ms = float(f / fr)
return datetime.time(h, m, s, ms)

class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, FrameRate):
return {
elif isinstance(o, FrameFormat):
return {
elif isinstance(o, Timecode):
d = o.get_hmsf_dict()
return d
elif isinstance(o, datetime.time):
d = {key:getattr(o, key) for key in ['hour', 'minute', 'second']}
d['__class__'] = 'datetime.time'
return d
return super(Encoder, self).default(o)

def json_obj_hook(d, current_cls=None):
clsname = d.get('__class__')
if current_cls == clsname:
return d
if clsname == 'FrameFormat':
# if 'rate' in d and not isinstance(d['rate'], FrameRate):
# d = json_obj_hook(d)
d = json_obj_hook(d, clsname)
return FrameFormat(**d)
elif clsname == 'FrameRate':
return FrameRate.create(d['numerator'], d['denom'])
elif clsname == 'Timecode':
# if 'frame_format' in d and not isinstance(d['frame_format'], FrameFormat):
# d = json_obj_hook(d)
d = json_obj_hook(d, clsname)
return Timecode(**d)
elif clsname == 'datetime.time':
return datetime.time(d['hour'], d['minute'], d['second'])
return d

def json_dumps(o, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('cls', Encoder)
return json.dumps(o, **kwargs)

def json_loads(s):
return json.loads(s, object_hook=json_obj_hook)

def get_tc(filename):
cmdstr = 'ffprobe -show_streams -pretty -loglevel quiet {}'.format(filename)
ffp = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(cmdstr))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
in_stream = False
stream_type = None
tc_str = None
fr_str = None

for line in ffp.splitlines():
if isinstance(line, bytes):
line = line.decode('UTF-8')
if '[STREAM]' in line:
in_stream = True
elif '[/STREAM]' in line:
in_stream = False
stream_type = None
if not in_stream:
if line.startswith('codec_type='):
stream_type = line.split('=')[1]
elif stream_type == 'video' and line.startswith('r_frame_rate'):
fr_str = line.split('=')[1]
elif line.startswith('TAG:timecode='):
tc_str = line.split('=')[1]
fr = FrameRate.create(*[int(v) for v in fr_str.split('/')])
return Timecode.from_str(tc_str, frame_rate=fr)

# def get_tc(filename):
# tc_str = get_tc_string(filename)
# hms, frame = tc_str.split(';')
# dt = datetime.time(*[int(v) for v in hms.split(':')])
# return Timecode(dt, int(frame))

def shift_tc(parsed):
min_tc = None
for camdir, tc_list in parsed.items():
_min_tc = min(tc_list)
if min_tc is None or _min_tc < min_tc:
min_tc = _min_tc
print('min_tc: ', min_tc)
# td = datetime.timedelta(
# hours=min_tc.time.hour,
# minutes=min_tc.time.minute,
# seconds=min_tc.time.second,
# )
for camdir, tc_list in parsed.items():
for tc in tc_list:
tc -= min_tc

def parse_files(*filenames):
parsed = {'filenames':{}}
min_tc = None
for filename in filenames:
tc = get_tc(filename)
if min_tc is None or tc < min_tc:
min_tc = tc
parsed['filenames'][filename] = {'tc':tc}

parsed['min_tc'] = min_tc
all_tc = [d['tc'] for d in parsed['filenames'].values()]
fr_match = True
if len(set([tc.frame_format.drop_frame for tc in all_tc])) != 1:
fr_match = False
# print(set([tc.drop_frame for tc in all_tc]))
# print(set([tc.frame_rate for tc in all_tc]))
if len(set([tc.frame_format.rate.value for tc in all_tc])) != 1:
fr_match = False
if not fr_match:
parsed['same_format'] = False
return parsed
parsed['same_format'] = True
parsed['min_tc_frames'] = min_tc.total_frames
parsed['by_tc'] = {}
for key, d in parsed['filenames'].items():
tc_str = str(d['tc'])
if tc_str not in parsed['by_tc']:
parsed['by_tc'][tc_str] = []
'tc_offset':d['tc'] - min_tc,
'frame_offset':d['tc'].total_frames - min_tc.total_frames,
return parsed

def parse_bdmv_dir(p):
parsed = {}
for camdir in os.listdir(p):
_camdir = os.path.join(p, camdir)
if not os.path.isdir(_camdir):
parsed[camdir] = []
_camdir = os.path.join(_camdir, 'PRIVATE', 'JVC', 'CQAVC', 'CLIP')
for fn in os.listdir(_camdir):
t = mimetypes.guess_type(fn)[0]
if t is None:
if 'video' not in t:
full_fn = os.path.join(_camdir, fn)
tc = get_tc(full_fn)
tc.filename = fn
tc.camdir = camdir
data_fn = os.path.join(p, 'timecode.json')
with open(data_fn, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parsed, f, cls=Encoder, indent=4)
# data_fn = os.path.join(p, 'timecode.txt')
# lines = ['{} = {}'.format(tc.filename, tc) for tc in parsed]
# with open(data_fn, 'w') as f:
# f.write('\n'.join(lines))
return parsed

def create_bl_import_script(parsed):
if not parsed['same_format']:
raise Exception('frame formats do not match')

def build_clip_kwargs(d, channel, first_clip=False):
clip_kwargs = {'filepath':d['abs_filename'], 'channel':channel, 'frame_start':d['frame_offset']}
if first_clip:
clip_kwargs['use_framerate'] = True
clip_kwargs['use_framerate'] = False
return clip_kwargs

min_tc = parsed['min_tc']
first_clip = True
channel = 1
all_clip_kwargs = []
filenames_built = set()
for d in parsed['by_tc'][str(min_tc)]:
all_clip_kwargs.append(build_clip_kwargs(d, channel, first_clip))
first_clip = False
channel += 1
for l in parsed['by_tc'].values():
for d in l:
if d['abs_filename'] in filenames_built:
all_clip_kwargs.append(build_clip_kwargs(d, channel))
channel += 1
line_fmt = 'bpy.ops.sequencer.movie_strip_add(filepath="{filepath}", channel={channel}, frame_start={frame_start}, use_framerate={use_framerate})'
lines = ['import bpy']
lines.extend([line_fmt.format(**clip_kwargs) for clip_kwargs in all_clip_kwargs])
return '\n'.join(lines)

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('--bl-script-name', dest='bl_script_name')
p.add_argument('--bl-script-data', dest='bl_script_data')
p.add_argument('--bdmv', dest='bdmv', action='store_true')
p.add_argument('-f', '--filename', dest='filename', action='append')
p.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', dest='outfile')
args = p.parse_args()
if args.bl_script_name:
data_fn = args.bl_script_data
with open(data_fn, 'r') as f:
s =
parsed = json_loads(s)
script = create_bl_import_script(parsed)
with open(args.bl_script_name, 'w') as f:
elif args.bdmv:
parsed = parse_files(*args.filename)
s = json_dumps(parsed, indent=4)
if args.outfile:
with open(args.outfile, 'w') as f:

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