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This project uses the Observer Pattern as its primary means of integration with other code. This is handled by the python-dispatch library which provides methods of subscribing to events and property changes.

.. currentmodule:: tslumd.tallyobj

Tally Object

The primary object used for sending or receiving tally information is the :class:`Tally` object.

Indicator Properties

It has properties which hold the :class:`color <tslumd.common.TallyColor>` for the three :ref:`indicator <indicators>` values (:attr:`Tally.lh_tally`, :attr:`Tally.txt_tally` and :attr:`Tally.rh_tally`) among others.

These are :class:`` objects which act as observable :term:`descriptors <descriptor>`, meaning callbacks can be invoked when their values change.

The :meth:`Tally.set_color` and :meth:`Tally.get_color` methods can also be used to get and set the values.

Container Support

The indicator properties can be retrieved and assigned using :ref:`subscription <subscriptions>` notation (color = tally[key], tally[key] = color). In this form, the expected key and value types match that of :meth:`Tally.set_color` and the return values match the description in :meth:`Tally.get_color`.

The example shown in :meth:`Tally.get_color` could be rewritten as:

>>> from tslumd import Tally
>>> tally = Tally(0)
>>> tally['rh_tally']
<TallyColor.OFF: 0>
>>> tally['rh_tally'] = 'red'
>>> tally['rh_tally']
<TallyColor.RED: 1>
>>> tally['txt_tally'] = 'red'
>>> tally['rh_tally|txt_tally']
<TallyColor.RED: 1>
>>> tally['all']
<TallyColor.RED: 1>
>>> tally['lh_tally'] = 'green'
>>> tally['lh_tally']
<TallyColor.GREEN: 2>
>>> tally['all']
<TallyColor.AMBER: 3>


When receiving, the Tally object will emit an :event:`Tally.on_update` event on any change of state with the Tally instance as the first argument and the property names as the second:

>>> from tslumd import Tally, TallyColor
>>> def my_callback(tally: Tally, props_changed, **kwargs):
...     for name in props_changed:
...         value = getattr(tally, name)
...         print(f'my_callback: {tally!r}.{name} = {value}')
>>> tally = Tally(0)
>>> # bind `my_callback` to the `on_update` event
>>> tally.bind(on_update=my_callback)
>>> # rh_tally is initialized to "OFF"
>>> tally.rh_tally
<TallyColor.OFF: 0>
>>> tally.rh_tally = TallyColor.RED
my_callback: <Tally: (0 - "")>.rh_tally = RED

One can also subscribe to any of the properties individually:

>>> from tslumd import Tally, TallyColor
>>> def my_callback(tally: Tally, value, **kwargs):
...     prop = kwargs['property']
...     print(f'my_callback: {tally!r}.{} = {value}')
>>> tally = Tally(0, text='foo')
>>> tally
<Tally: (0 - "foo")>
>>> # bind `my_callback` to the `text` property
>>> tally.bind(text=my_callback)
>>> # does not reach the callback
>>> tally.rh_tally = TallyColor.RED
>>> # but this does
>>> tally.text = 'bar'
my_callback: <Tally: (0 - "bar")>.text = bar

Screen Object

:class:`Tally` objects should never be created directly (as in the examples above). They are instead created by the :class:`Screen` object and stored in its :attr:`Screen.tallies` dictionary, using the Tally's :attr:`index <Tally.index>` as the key.

When receiving, they are created automatically when necessary (when data is received). The :event:`Screen.on_tally_added` event can be used to listen for new Tally objects.

Screens also propagate the "on_update" event for all of their Tally objects and emit their own :event:`Screen.on_tally_update` event. This can reduce the amount of code and callbacks when handling multiple tallies.

When sending, Tally objects are created by using either the :meth:`Screen.add_tally` and :meth:`Screen.get_or_create_tally` methods.


.. glossary::

        Combination of :attr:`Screen.index` and :attr:`Tally.index` used to
        uniquely identify a single tally (or :term:`Display`) within a single

        :data:`~tslumd.common.TallyKey` is a 2-tuple of integers and is available
        as the :attr:``.

        :class:`~tslumd.common.TallyType` is an enum used to aid in mapping
        the three Tally :ref:`Tally Indicators <indicators>` to the
        :attr:`Tally.lh_tally`, :attr:`Tally.txt_tally` and
        :attr:`Tally.rh_tally` attributes

        :class:`~tslumd.common.TallyColor` is an enum defining the four
        allowable colors for an :ref:`indicator <indicators>` (including "off")