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Chris Moore edited this page Dec 24, 2015 · 8 revisions

CLAM has its own testnet. It differs from mainnet in the following ways:

  • The coins are intended to worthless, for testing only.
  • Coins only take 10 blocks to mature instead of 500 on mainnet.
  • Coins only have to be idle for 30 minutes before they can stake instead of 4 hours on mainnet.
  • The initial distribution was created by 300 proof-of-work blocks each creating 5000 CLAMs; this gives a total money supply of 1.5 million.
  • The P2P network connects on port 35714, instead of 31174.
  • The RPC client connects on port 35715, instead of 30174.

Connecting to Testnet

Make a folder testnet inside the folder that holds your regular CLAM wallet. Make a file in there called clam.conf, as follows (the daemon=1 is optional, but useful if you're running clamd instead of clam-qt):

rpcpassword=<your password here>

Then run:

clam-qt -conf=testnet/clam.conf

to have it use that clam.conf file.

Using clamd with Testnet

Each time you use clamd to interact with a running testnet server you will need to specify the -conf flag so it knows you want to talk to the testnet server not the mainnet one:

clamd -conf=testnet/clam.conf getinfo

You may find it convenient to set up an alias, for example:

alias cct='clamd -conf=testnet/clam.conf'
cct getinfo

Staking is enabled by default. You can disable it with:


in testnet/clam.conf.

Testnet in a Box

If you want to create your own testnet chain from scratch, you'll need to proof-of-work mine the first 300 blocks. Testnet PoW blocks are worth 5000 CLAMs each. is capable of mining CLAM PoW blocks on your CPU:

Build the miner, and run it like this:

./minerd --no-gbt --url --user <user> --pass <pass> -a scrypt -D

where <user> and <pass> are your username and password from your clam.conf file.

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