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A system to publish podcasts for large communities like subreddits.

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The basic idea would be that once a month or so we’d open up for scheduling episodes for the next month and it would be first-come-first-served in terms of which spot you wanted. An “understudy” spot could also be chosen in case the first claimant bails, and all entries would have to be turned in at a predetermined time beforehand. If an entry is not turned in before the deadline, then the understudy gets a much smaller deadline (hopefully you’re prepared like any good understudy would be!), and if that doesn’t work then there’s simply no episode for that time.

Perhaps we might feature a Last Minute Raffle the day before on the days when the understudy also cannot fulfill. If the rules for sign-up are set up beforehand, much of the process can be easily automated. This web application would also be the publicly-facing side of the podcast, and voting and comments can be placed on the site. Obviously, we’d try and get an automatic posting back to the subreddit when a new episode is released.

It’s open mic night!


  • symfony 1.4 framework. You can place it wherever you want, but standard system-wide installation options are in the /usr/share or /opt directories. Make sure that wherever you install it that it is readable and executable by PHP and your webserver. For local, application-specific installation you should probably place it within the lib/vendor directory, alongside other third-party libraries the application uses. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/symfony;.

  • Zend Framework. The application assumes the existence of ZF classes within the PHP include_path, which is part of a standard ZF installation. Make sure you reference it in config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php all the same.

  • AWS SDK for PHP. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/AWS-SDK;.

  • PHP Cron Expression Parser. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/CronExpression;.

  • JQuery Fancybox Plugin. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/fancybox;.

  • PHP Markdown. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/php-markdown;.

  • Plupload Uploader. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/plupload;.

  • Tropo PHP Library for phone recording integration. This can be pulled into the application from the command git submodule update --init lib/vendor/plupload;.

  • PHPUnit is required to run the unit tests.

  • MySQL (or one of its derivatives, like MariaDB) due to some MySQL-specific raw queries at use in the application.

  • cUrl is used within the web application to interact with the API and other aspects of the app.

  • PHP should have the openssl extension compiled, installed, and enabled in order to best interact with Amazon Web Services and with itself.


Make sure that you grab whatever submodules you require for the application when you clone the codebase. You can grab all submodules by issuing the following commands:

git submodule init;
git submodule update;

You need to at least initialize the symfony plugins that are included as submodules:

  • sfDoctrineRestGeneratorPlugin

  • sfThemeGeneratorPlugin

  • sfHadoriThemePlugin


Copy config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.sample to config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php. Then edit the file and change the require_once reference at the beginning of the file to point to the sfCoreAutolaod.class.php file within your local symfony installation. If you installed symfony locally in lib/vendor you can change this line to read as: require_once '../lib/vendor/symfony/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';

Save ProjectConfiguration.class.php and verify that your changes work by running ./symfony from your project root. You should be presented with a list of command-line options for the application. If this list doesn't appear, verify that ProjectConfiguration.class.php is requiring the symfony autoloader and that the syfmony framework is visible to your CLI PHP.


Copy config/databases.yml.sample to config/databases.yml. Edit the file and change the database credentials to those you've set up in your database solution for the application. Save the file and verify that it's working by using the symfony CLI to create the database tables and load the basic data fixtures by running:

./symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load;


Copy apps/frontend/config/app.yml.sample to apps/frontend/config/app.yml. See the Configuration section below for more info on further instructions regarding this file.

Amazon Web Services

The application calls AWS without explicitly making authentication calls; it assumes that authentication will be handled by the use external to the application. The easiest way to ensure that AWS behaves as expected is to copy lib/vendor/AWS-SDK/ to lib/vendor/AWS-SDK/ and edit it. Place your authentication keys within the config file and save the file. Amazon Web Services should be good to go now.


The application should have full code coverage in its unique model classes (though this does not mean that every use case is actually covered). Simply run phpunit from the application root and PHPUnit should use the phpunit.xml.dist file to execute those tests.


There are a few options that affect all aspects of the application, and they are declared within config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php. You can change the Amazon bucket prefix, the storage location for pre-approved audio files, and the storage location for episode graphic files. Other options more specific to different application services are contained within their respective app config directories (eg, apps/api_v1/config/app.yml and apps/api_v1/config/settings.yml). For more information on these configuration files see the symfony documentation.

Since episode files can be uploaded through the API, make sure that the server handling the API instance of the application is set up to allow the maximum file size from a POST. The web applications uses the Pluploader to upload large files in small chunks, thus you don't need to set the allowable POST for the web application to be very high. You can place the following within the declaration of a VirtualHost in an Apache configuration file to allow php file uploads and POSTs of the default size within the codebase of 250 MB. Change it to whatever you feel is needed.

php_value post_max_size 250M
php_value upload_max_filesize 250M

Remember to make the data/temp directory writable by the web user so that users can upload episode files. Episodes are served via Apache X-Sendfile, nginx X-Accel-Redirect, or lighttpd X-LIGHTTPD-send-file so the files are not executed when delivered. Also remember to deactviate the execution of PHP scripts within these directories. You can place the following within the declaration of a VirtualHost in an Apache configuration file:

<Directory "/[path to application root]/web/uploads">
    php_admin_flag engine off
 <Directory "/[path to application root]/data/temp">
    php_admin_flag engine off

Configure nginx for X-Accel-Redirect

Audio files are put into the /data/temp directory, so this directory must be explicitly linked in the nginx configuration to an external URI. Place the following in your nginx configuration:

location /audio/temp/ {
  root /[path_to_project_root]/data/temp/; # note the trailing slash

Configure Apache for X-Sendfile

In your Apache config ensure that XSendfile is loaded, enabled, and can serve files that are found within the data/temp/ folder:

# Load xsendfile
LoadModule xsendfile_module /path/to/modules/

# Enable xsendfile
XSendFile On
# Set the data/tmp/ directory to be whitelisted
XSendFilePath /[path_to_project_root]/data/temp/

Ensure that the `data/temp/' directory is readable by the web server (it should be because the server's going to be trying to put stuff into it!), and the rest is handled by the app.

Configure lighttpd for X-LIGHTTPD-send-file

If your FastCGI setup file, make sure that the `allow-x-send-file' option is enabled:

fastcgi.server = {
   ".php" => {
      "" => {
          # ....
          "allow-x-send-file" => "enable" 

Ensure that the `data/temp/' directory is readable by the web server (it should be because the server's going to be trying to put stuff into it!), and the rest is handled by the app.

Configure the really slow file delivery using PHP

If you don't have the ability to tell the server to deliver files for you, you can still deliver them using PHP, but this is NOT recommended as it is much more resource intensive. To activate this option, you'll need to explicitly change the enable_slow_audio_download key in apps/frontend/config/app.yml from false to true. And may God have mercy on your soul (and server).

Replace Hashes in Configuration files

Replace the existing hashes in the following files for security reasons.

  • data/fixtures/fixtures.yml - Replace the api_key and shared_secret hashes. Make a note of what you change them to: you'll need them for the following file. Feel free to change the api_app_name, developer_name, and developer_email to whatever you'd like.

  • apps/frontend/config/app.yml - Replace the web_app_api_key and web_app_api_shared_secret with whatever you changed the corresponding values in the data/fixtures/fixtures.yml file. Also replace the web_app_image_hash_salt and web_app_audio_hash_salt with whatever you'd like. Near the bottom of the file, enter in your ReCAPTCHA keys to enable the correct functioning of ReCAPTCHA.

Set the location of the API part of the app

It's expected that you'll serve the API using the API frontend controller. Set the location you'll use to provide access to the API by changing the location key underneath web_app_api at the bottom of apps/frontend/config/app.yml. You can change the similar value that is more in the middle of the file, but this governs which API the web application will use if you are accessing the web app in any other environment than production.

Set Default Values

Set the Default Feed Subreddits

To set which Subreddits will automatically appear in the main site feed (and on the slideshow rotator on the home page), list the subreddits by their domains in apps/frontend/config/app.yml in the key called subreddits underneath web_app_feed_default.

Set the Reddit Post for Validation

Users who register for the app are sent an email that contains a URL in the app that will redirect them to a post on Reddit. They're expected to reply to this post with their Reddit validation key, which a task in the application will routinely scan. To set the web address for this post, replace the existing address in apps/frontend/config/app.yml defined by the key post_location underneath reddit_validation.

Set the Subreddit for Validation

Technically, users do not need to actually reply to the specific post defined above, but they do need to reply within a specific Subreddit. Rather than have that subreddit defined by the app.yml value, the subreddit itself is defined within the getDefaultSubredditAddress() function of config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

Set the Frontend Location

To give the ability for cron jobs and api calls to reference the web frontend correctly, define the web location of the homepage of the application in the getFrontendAppLocation() function of config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

Set the Application Name

You can change the name of the app by changing it in the getApplicationName() function of config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

Set the Application Email Address

Set what address the application should use to send feedback emails to by changing the getApplicationEmailAddress() function of config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php`.

Set the Amazon Bucket Prefix

You can change the Amazon bucket prefix by changing the getAmazonBucketPrefix() function of config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php.

Cron Jobs

This needs to be filled in

There are four cron jobs that the system expects for its functioning. These handle such things as creating new episodes according to Subreddit schedules, validating users, sending nag emails, and moving user assignments on Episodes when deadlines pass. Executing a call against the symfony executable in the project root should display all of the command-line tasks that can be run using the executable. These four tasks are defined by the namespace of the app (which may be different if you changed the name of the app. For help, just run the following command:

php symfony help [app_name]:[task_name]

This should give you more information about the task in question.


A system to publish podcasts for large communities like subreddits.






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