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File metadata and controls

229 lines (156 loc) · 5.21 KB



Documentation comments start with /** and end with **/. Each new line starts with *.

/** ...
 *  ...

Tags (optional)

The first line of a comment is reserved for tags. Tags are optional. Tags are separated by a comma followed by optional whitespace(s) (, ). They can be either a tag name or a key / value pair separated by a colon and optional whitespace(s) (: ).

Currently accepted tags are: section:, alias of: <name>, related to:, read-only, internal, chainable, deprecated, deprecated: <from>, deprecated: <from>..<out>

/** deprecated: 1.0..2.0, section: DOM, alias of: Element#descendantOf, chainable
 *  Element#childOf(@element, className) -> Element
 *  ...


The lines directly following tags are reserved for the EBNF description of the documented object. Typically, there's only one EBNF per documented object. However, some objects might require more than one.

 *  Element#down(@element[, cssSelector][, index]) -> Element | null
 *  ...
 *  Element#writeAttribute(@element, attribute[, value = true]) -> Element
 *  Element#writeAttribute(@element, attributes) -> Element
 *  ...


For all methods, functions, etc. parentheses around the arguments are required even if no arguments are present. The syntax for arguments is as follows:

required arguments

 *  Event.stop(event) -> Event
 *  ...

optional arguments

Optional arguments are surrounded by squared brackets ([]).

 *  String#evalJSON([sanitize]) -> Object | Array
 *  ...

A default value may be indicated using the equal sign (=).

 *  String#evalJSON([sanitize = false]) -> Object | Array
 *  ...

Note that the argument separating comas belong inside the brackets.

 *  Event.findElement(event[, cssSelector]) -> Element | null
 *  ...

Arguments can be described below the EBNF description using the following syntax:

- argumentName (acceptedType | otherAcceptedType | ...): description.

Argument descriptions must be separated by an empty comment line from the rest of description. For example:

 *  Event.findElement(event[, cssSelector]) -> Element | null
 *  - event (Event): a native Event instance
 *  - cssSelector (String): a optional CSS selector which uses
 *  the same syntax found in regular CSS.
 *  Regular method markdown goes here.

Supported EBNF types


 *  Ajax
 *  ...
 *  Prototype.Browser
 *  ...


Classes require a class prefix:

 *  class Ajax.Base
 *  ...

Sub-classes can indicate their parent just like in the Ruby syntax:

 *  class Ajax.Request < Ajax.Base
 *  ...

Where Ajax.Base is the parent class and Ajax.Request the subclass.

Included mixins are indicated like so:

 *  class CustomHash
 *  includes Enumerable, Comparable


Mixins are indicated by a mixin prefix:

 *  mixin Enumerable
 *  ...


Constructors require the new prefix and their arguments.

 *  new Element(tagName[, attributes])
 *  ...
 *  new Foobar()
 *  ...

Class Methods

Class methods are identified by a dot (.).

 *  Array.from([iterable]) -> Array
 *  ...

Instance Methods

Instance methods are identified by the hash symbol (#).

 *  Array#first() -> Array element
 *  ...


Utilities are global functions starting with a dollar-sign ($).

 *  $w(string) -> Array
 *  ...

Methodized Methods

Methodized methods are methods which are both available as a class method and an instance method, in which case the first argument becomes the instance object itself. For example, all of Element's instance methods are methodized and thus also available as class methods of Element. Methodized methods are indicated by prefixing their first argument with the @ symbol.

 *  Element#hide(@element) -> Element
 *  ...

Class Properties

Class properties are identified by a dot (.).

 *  Ajax.Responders.responders -> Array
 *  ...

Instance Properties

Instance properties are identified by the hash symbol (#).

 *  Ajax.Response#responseText -> String
 *  ...


Constant must have their value specified using the equal sign (=).

 *  Prototype.JSONFilter = /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/
 *  ...


Some methods can fire native or custom events. These are indicated below the arguments descriptions:

 *  Ajax.Request#respondToReadyState(readyState) -> undefined
 *  - readyState (Number): a number from 0 to 4 corresponding to the state of the request.
 *  fires ajax:created, ajax:completed