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jamescarr committed Oct 8, 2010
1 parent baef0a1 commit e8cd491
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Showing 2 changed files with 172 additions and 172 deletions.
172 changes: 46 additions & 126 deletions docs/
@@ -1,135 +1,55 @@
# Payflow Pro API
This is a node based wrapper for Paypal's Payflow Pro API ( The plan will be to implement all of the API methods available as well as the many authentication modes.
# Chargify API
This is an adapter for using [Chargify]( payment gateway for subscription based and "metered" payments. Please see the API docs for request details.
As with the rest of the paynode api, clients are created using createClient and each API method has 'success' or 'failure' events that will be triggered whenever those
states are reached.

All fields returned by the API are represented as object properties in the result object, with the exception of list elements (keys prefixed by L_) which will be located in a hash representative of the fields (errors for error name-value pairs, balances for balance related NVPs).
This is a rough cut... hopefully the full API will be implemented soon! Let me know if you have problems!

More to come, but please feel free to make suggestions!

## Creating a client
var chargify = require('paynode').use('chargify')

## Supported Authentication Methods
- 3 Token
- Certificate based auth

## Supported API methods
- doDirectPayment
- refundTransaction
- doVoid
- createRecurringPaymentsProfile
- billOutstandingAmount
- doAuthorization
- doCapture
- doNonReferencedCredit
- doReauthorization
- doReferenceTransaction
- getBillingAgreementCustomerDetails
- getTransactionDetails
- getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails
- manageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus
- managePendingTransactionStatus
- massPayment
- updateRecurringPaymentsProfile
- setExpressCheckout
- getExpressCheckoutDetails
- doExpressCheckoutPayment
var client = chargify.createClient({site:'yoursite', key:'api key', password:'password'})

See for required fields for each API method.
## Examples

### Creating a client using SSL Certificate based Auth:
var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'LXLDUTRFGA39YR25'
, cert:'string representing your cert'
, key:'key representing your key'

### DoDirectPayment
Process a payment
var payflow = require('paynode').payflowProGateway

var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'password'
, signature: 'signature'

,street:'123 test st'
,city: 'omaha'
,state: 'NE'
}).on('success', function(result){
// do something based on a succesful transaction
}).on('failure', function(result){
// do something based on a failed transaction
* { errorcode: '10527'
* , shortmessage: 'Invalid Data'
* , longmessage: 'This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.'
* , severitycode: 'Error'
* }
## Creating a Customer
{first_name:'Joe', last_name:'Smokes', email:''}
).on('success', function(resp){
// succeeded!
}).on('failure', function(resp){
// damn, failed. Take a look at resp.errors (an array)
console.log("Error: " + err)

### GetBalance
Get the balances of your account
var payflow = require('paynode').payflowProGateway

var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'password'
, signature: 'signature'
client.getBalance().on('success', function(result){

## TransactionSearch
To do a transaction search by transaction id:
}).on('success', function(response){
each transaction maps to l_ fields in API docs
for example:
timestamp: transactionDetails.timestamp,
timezone: 'GMT',
type: 'Payment',
name: 'John Doe',
transactionid: transactionDetails.transactionid,
status: 'Completed',
amt: '99.06',
currencycode: 'USD',
feeamt: '-3.17',
netamt: '95.89'
See the Paypal API docs for explicit details.

## Contribute
All code is written BDD style using vowsjs. I've included a few sh scripts to run all specs, unit-specs, and integration-specs.


## Creating a Subscription
"organization":"Acme Widgets"
}).on('success', function(resp){
// some response as defined on the chargify api docs site

## Listing Products
## License

(The MIT License)
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172 changes: 126 additions & 46 deletions docs/
@@ -1,55 +1,135 @@
# Chargify API
This is an adapter for using [Chargify]( payment gateway for subscription based and "metered" payments. Please see the API docs for request details.
As with the rest of the paynode api, clients are created using createClient and each API method has 'success' or 'failure' events that will be triggered whenever those
states are reached.
# Payflow Pro API
This is a node based wrapper for Paypal's Payflow Pro API ( The plan will be to implement all of the API methods available as well as the many authentication modes.

This is a rough cut... hopefully the full API will be implemented soon! Let me know if you have problems!
All fields returned by the API are represented as object properties in the result object, with the exception of list elements (keys prefixed by L_) which will be located in a hash representative of the fields (errors for error name-value pairs, balances for balance related NVPs).

More to come, but please feel free to make suggestions!

## Creating a client
var chargify = require('paynode').use('chargify')

var client = chargify.createClient({site:'yoursite', key:'api key', password:'password'})
## Supported Authentication Methods
- 3 Token
- Certificate based auth

## Supported API methods
- doDirectPayment
- refundTransaction
- doVoid
- createRecurringPaymentsProfile
- billOutstandingAmount
- doAuthorization
- doCapture
- doNonReferencedCredit
- doReauthorization
- doReferenceTransaction
- getBillingAgreementCustomerDetails
- getTransactionDetails
- getRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails
- manageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus
- managePendingTransactionStatus
- massPayment
- updateRecurringPaymentsProfile
- setExpressCheckout
- getExpressCheckoutDetails
- doExpressCheckoutPayment

## Creating a Customer
{first_name:'Joe', last_name:'Smokes', email:''}
).on('success', function(resp){
// succeeded!
}).on('failure', function(resp){
// damn, failed. Take a look at resp.errors (an array)
console.log("Error: " + err)
See for required fields for each API method.
## Examples

### Creating a client using SSL Certificate based Auth:
var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'LXLDUTRFGA39YR25'
, cert:'string representing your cert'
, key:'key representing your key'

### DoDirectPayment
Process a payment
var payflow = require('paynode').payflowProGateway

var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'password'
, signature: 'signature'

,street:'123 test st'
,city: 'omaha'
,state: 'NE'
}).on('success', function(result){
// do something based on a succesful transaction
}).on('failure', function(result){
// do something based on a failed transaction
* { errorcode: '10527'
* , shortmessage: 'Invalid Data'
* , longmessage: 'This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card number and type.'
* , severitycode: 'Error'
* }

## Creating a Subscription
"organization":"Acme Widgets"
}).on('success', function(resp){
// some response as defined on the chargify api docs site

## Listing Products

### GetBalance
Get the balances of your account
var payflow = require('paynode').payflowProGateway

var client = payflow.createClient({level:payflow.levels.sandbox
, user:'username'
, password:'password'
, signature: 'signature'
client.getBalance().on('success', function(result){

## TransactionSearch
To do a transaction search by transaction id:
}).on('success', function(response){
each transaction maps to l_ fields in API docs
for example:
timestamp: transactionDetails.timestamp,
timezone: 'GMT',
type: 'Payment',
name: 'John Doe',
transactionid: transactionDetails.transactionid,
status: 'Completed',
amt: '99.06',
currencycode: 'USD',
feeamt: '-3.17',
netamt: '95.89'
See the Paypal API docs for explicit details.

## Contribute
All code is written BDD style using vowsjs. I've included a few sh scripts to run all specs, unit-specs, and integration-specs.

## License

(The MIT License)
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