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N|Solid Cloud Foundry Buildpack

This buildpack is compatible with the existing Cloud Foundry Node.js buildpack, but runs the application using the N|Solid Runtime instead of the open source version of Node.js. In addition, if the application is bound to a user-provided service nsolid-console, pointing to an N|Solid Console server, that app will have it's metrics tracked, etc, and will be visible in the N|Solid Console.

For more information on N|Solid, visit the N|Solid documentation site.

Note: this buildpack is a fork of the Cloud Foundry Node.js Buildpack available here:

The original README for that buildpack is available here:

Differences between what's here and the existing Cloud Foundry Node.js Buildpack are described in this document.


Typically you would select this buildpack by either using the command:

cf push <push arguments / options> -b <buildpack>

or specifying the buildpack in your application's manifest.yml file:

- name:      hello-world
  buildpack: <buildpack>
   - nsolid-console

In both cases, the <buildpack> value is a URL to the git repo of this buildpack:

Optionally, you can specify a branch or tag at the end, starting with the # character:

The buildpack operates the same as the existing Node.js buildpack, but arranges for some additional code to be run before your app starts. This code:

  • computes configuration options for the N|Solid Runtime to be set as NSOLID_* environment variables

  • accesses the user-provided service nsolid-console, that should to be bound to the application, which provides the connection coordinates to the N|Solid Console server

  • optionally creates tunnels to allow the N|Solid Runtime to connect to the N|Solid Console server

  • starts the app with the N|Solid Runtime

See below for more information on the user-provided service nsolid-console.

Selecting the version of Node.js to use

The buildpack currently only supports versions of the N|Solid Runtime corresponding to LTS releases of Node.js - currently:

  • 6.x (Boron)
  • 8.x (Carbon)
  • 10.x (Dubnium)

If your app will not run on these releases of Node.js, then this buildpack cannot be used with your app.

You can select which of N|Solid Runtime to use, by setting the engines property in your package.json to the Node.js version corresponding to the N|Solid Runtime version. This would either be a 6.x or 8.x styled semver values - and those are good values to use, as they will select the most recent available version of N|Solid Runtime for that Node.js release line.

For example, the following engines property selects the N|Solid Runtime corresponding to Node.js 8.x (Carbon) LTS:

"engines" : {
  "node" : "8.x"

By default, the N|Solid Runtime corresponding to Node.js 10.x (Dubnium) LTS will be used.

Customizing use of the buildpack

Cloud Foundry applications using this buildpack can customize the operation of the buildpack by setting environment variables on the application. The following environment variables are available:


    Set to false to indicate the socket tunnels should not be used to connect the N|Solid Agent to the N|Solid Console server. Should only be needed for the N|Solid Console server when run as a Cloud Foundry application


    Set to false to not start the N|Solid Agent for this app. It will not connect to the N|Solid Console server or be visible in the N|Solid Console server.

Connecting to an N|Solid Console server

To monitor your application with the N|Solid Console, or access it via the N|Solid Command Line Interface, the application will need to connect to the N|Solid Console server. There are currently two supported methods to run an N|Solid Console server with this buildpack:

  • running the server "on prem", within your private networking environment, which is accessible from apps running in Cloud Foundry

  • running the server as a Cloud Foundry app itself, within the same Cloud Foundry installation

There are a number of limitations around running an N|Solid Console server as a Cloud Foundry app, but it's also a very easy way to get started.


  • The N|Solid Runtime will connect to the N|Solid Console server via ssh tunnels, using the cf ssh command. This requires all the information required to run a cf command, including a valid userid and password.

  • The N|Solid Console server persists data to disk, and so when restarted, will lose all persisted data. This includes:

    • historical metrics captured
    • saved views and global notifications
    • CPU profiles and heap snapshots previously collected

Which method you use will be reflected in the user-provided service nsolid-console, described below.

To use N|Solid Console "on prem", please follow the directions available at the N|Solid documentation site.

To use N|Solid Console as a Cloud Foundry app, please follow the directions available in the nsolid-cf-v3 GitHub repo.

user-provided service nsolid-console

To connect an app using this buildpack to an N|Solid Console server, you will need to bind a user-provided service named nsolid-console to the app.

The nsolid-console service only needs to be created once per Cloud Foundry space, and can then be bound to every app running in that space.

To create the user-provided service, the contents of the user-provided service should be placed into a JSON file, and then you can run the following command to create it:

cf cups nsolid-console -p <file name>

The contents of the user-provided service can later be updated with the command:

cf uups nsolid-console -p <file name>

The contents of the JSON file contain the coordinates to connect to an N|Solid Console server, and are structured differently depending on whether your N|Solid Console server is running "on prem" or as a Cloud Foundry app (see above).

nsolid-console service for N|Solid Console server running "on prem"

The contents of the JSON file should be as follows:

  "publicKey": "<N|Solid Console public key>",

  "tunnel":    null,

  "sockets": {
    "command": "",
    "data":    "",
    "bulk":    ""

The publicKey property should be the public key configured for the N|Solid Console server. If no property is provided, the default N|Solid Console public key is used.

The tunnel property should be either null, or not provided at all. It's only used when running N|Solid Console as a Cloud Foundry app.

The sockets property is an object which contains three other properties: command, data, bulk. These properties should contain the host:port values of the N|Solid Console server's corresponding sockets.

nsolid-console service for N|Solid Console server running as a Cloud Foundry app

The contents of the JSON file should be as follows:

  "publicKey": "<N|Solid Console public key>",

  "tunnel":    "cf-ssh",

  "consoleApp": {
    "user":       "user",
    "password":   "pass",
    "cfapi":      "",
    "org":        "cfdev-org",
    "space":      "cfdev-space",
    "app":        "nsolid-console"

The publicKey property should be the public key configured for the N|Solid Console server. If no property is provided, the default N|Solid Console public key is used.

The tunnel property should be set to cf-ssh.

The consoleApp property contains the information required to run the cf ssh command when the app is started, to tunnel connections to the N|Solid Console app running as a Cloud Foundry app. Before cf ssh is run, a cf login will be run as follows, using the properties from the consoleApp object:

cf login -u ${user} -p ${password} -o ${org} -s ${space} -a ${cfapi}

The app property of the consoleApp should be the app name of the N|Solid Console server running as a Cloud Foundry app.


This buildpack can be installed as a system-available buildpack, using the same technique as the Cloud Foundry Node.js buildpack, if your have admin access to your Cloud Foundry instance.

  • package the buildpack into the buildpack archives

  • the bundled version of the buildpack zip archive includes the N|Solid Runtimes and headers for use with node-gyp; the version without bundled in it's name will download the N|Solid Runtimes and headers from their distribution site on the web.

  • install the buildpack archive in Cloud Foundry:

    cf create-buildpack nsolid_buildpack 100
    cf create-buildpack nsolid_buildpack 100

As this buildpack will match the same applications as the Cloud Foundry Node.js buildpack, you can choose which to use by default, by changing the position parameter in the cf create-buildpack and cf update-buildpack commands. To use the non-default buildpack, specify it explicitly in your manifest.yml or on the cf push command line invocation.

Authors and Contributors

This code is a fork of the GitHub repo

Changes to that buildpack, in this repo, have been made by the following people:

Patrick Mueller GitHub/pmuellr Twitter/@pmuellr


Awesome! We're happy that you want to contribute.

Make sure that you're read and understand the Code of Conduct.

License & Copyright

This code is a fork of the GitHub repo

Changes to that buildpack have been made to this repo use the following license and copyright.

nsolid-buildpack-cf is Copyright (c) 2016 NodeSource and licensed under the MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved.

See the included file for more details.