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Merge pull request #374 from nodogsplash/3.3.3-beta
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Add a example Preauth script that displays a remote image
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bluewavenet committed Jun 23, 2019
2 parents 1777849 + 881676c commit d4f187d
Showing 1 changed file with 221 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions forward_authentication_service/PreAuth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@

### functions

get_image_file() {
mkdir "/tmp/remote"

if [ ! -f "$imagepath" ]; then
ln -s /tmp/remote /etc/nodogsplash/htdocs/images/remote

md5=$(echo -e $imageurl | md5sum);
filename=$(echo -e $md5 | awk -F" -" {'print($1)'});

if [ ! -f "$imagepath/$filename" ]; then
wget -q -P $imagepath -O $filename $imageurl

# Get the urlencoded querystring

# The query string is sent to us from NDS in a urlencoded form,
# so we must decode it here so we can parse it:
query=$(printf "${query_enc//%/\\x}")

# In this example script we want to ask the client user for
# their username and email address.
# We could ask for anything we like and add our own variables to the html forms
# we generate.
# If we want to show a sequence of forms or information pages we can do this easily.
# To return to this script and show additional pages, the form action must be set to:
# <form action=\"/nodogsplash_preauth/\" method=\"get\">
# Note: quotes ( " ) must be escaped with the "\" character.
# Any variables we need to preserve and pass back to ourselves or NDS must be added
# to the form as hidden:
# <input type=\"hidden\" name=......
# Such variables will appear in the query string when NDS re-calls this script.
# We can then parse for them again.
# When the logic of this script decides we should allow the client to access the Internet
# we inform NDS with a final page displaying a continue button with the form action set to:
# "<form action=\"/nodogsplash_auth/\" method=\"get\">"
# We must also send NDS the client token as a hidden variable, but first we must obtain
# the token from ndsctl using a suitable command such as:
# tok="$(ndsctl json $clientip | grep token | cut -c 10- | cut -c -8)"
# In a similar manner we can obtain any client or NDS information that ndsctl provides.

# The query string NDS sends to us will always be of the following form (with a "comma space" separator):
# ?clientip=[clientipaddress], gatewayname=[gatewayname], redir=[originalurl], var4=[data], var5=[data], var6......
# The first three variables will be clientip, gatewayname and redir
# We have chosen to name redir as $requested here as it is actually the originally requested url.
# There is one exception to this. If the client presses "back" on their browser NDS detects this
# and tells us by returning status=authenticated instead of redir=[originalurl]
# If we detect this we show a page telling the client they are already logged in.
# Additional variables returned by NDS will be those we define here and send to NDS via an
# html form method=get
# See the examples here for $username and $emailaddress
# There is no limit to the number of variables we can define dynamically
# as long as the query string does not exceed 2048 bytes.
# The query string will be truncated if it does exceed this length.

# Parse for the system variables always sent by NDS:
clientip="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $1;}' | awk -F 'clientip=' '{print $2;}')"
gatewayname="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $2;}' | awk -F 'gatewayname=' '{print $2;}')"

# The third system variable is either the originally requested url:
requested="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $3;}' | awk -F 'redir=' '{print $2;}')"

# or it is a status message:
status="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $3;}' | awk -F 'status=' '{print $2;}')"

# Parse for additional variables we define in this script, in this case username and emailaddr
username="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $4;}' | awk -F 'username=' '{print $2;}')"
emailaddr="$(echo $query | awk -F ', ' '{print $5;}' | awk -F 'emailaddr=' '{print $2;}')"

# Define some common html as the first part of the page to be served by NDS
# Note this example uses the default splash.css provided by NDS and uses splash.jpg
# as the browser shortcut icon.
# You can decide how your PreAuth splash page will look
# by incorporating your own css and images.
# Note however that the output of this script will be displayed on the client device screen via the CPD process on that device.
# It should be noted when designing a custom splash page that for security reasons many client device CPD implementations:
# Immediately close the browser when the client has authenticated.
# Prohibit the use of href links.
# Prohibit downloading of external files (including .css and .js, even if they are allowed in NDS firewall settings).
# Prohibit the execution of javascript.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv=\"Cache-Control\" content=\"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">
<meta http-equiv=\"Expires\" content=\"0\">
<meta charset=\"utf-8\">
<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">
<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/images/splash.jpg\" type=\"image/x-icon\">
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/splash.css\">
<title>$gatewayname Hotspot Gateway.</title>
<div class=\"offset\">
<med-blue>$gatewayname Hotspot Gateway.</med-blue>
<div class=\"insert\" style=\"max-width:100%;\">

# Define a common footer for every page served
version="$(ndsctl status | grep Version)"
year="$(date | awk -F ' ' '{print $(6)}')"

# We want to display an image from a remote server
# Remote server can be https if required
# All we need is the image url
# In this example the image is only refreshed after a reboot
# But this is easy to change in get_image_file

<img src=\"/images/remote/$filename\" alt=\"Splash Page: For access to the Internet.\">
Nodogsplash $version.
Copyright &copy; The Nodogsplash Contributors 2004-$year.
This software is released under the GNU GPL license.

# Output the page common header
echo -e $header

# Check if the client is already logged in and has tapped "back" on their browser
# Make this a friendly message explaining they are good to go
if [ $status == "authenticated" ]; then
echo "<p><big-red>You are already logged in and have access to the Internet.</big-red></p>"
echo "<hr>"
echo "<p><italic-black>You can use your Browser, Email and other network Apps as you normally would.</italic-black></p>"
echo -e $footer
exit 0

# For this simple example, we check that both the username and email address fields have been filled in.
# If not then serve the initial page, again if necessary.
# We are not doing any specific validation in this example, but here is the place to do it if you need to.
# Note if only one of username or email address fields is entered then that value will be preserved
# and displayed on the page when it is re-served.
# Note also $clientip, $gatewayname and $requested (redir) must always be preserved
if [ -z $username ] || [ -z $emailaddr ]; then
echo "<big-red>Welcome!</big-red><italic-black> To access the Internet you must enter your Name and Email Address</italic-black><hr>"
echo "<form action=\"/nodogsplash_preauth/\" method=\"get\">"
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"clientip\" value=\"$clientip\">"
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"gatewayname\" value=\"$gatewayname\">"
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redir\" value=\"$requested\">"
echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" value=\"$username\" autocomplete=\"on\" >:Name<br><br>"
echo "<input type=\"email\" name=\"emailaddr\" value=\"$emailaddr\" autocomplete=\"on\" >:Email<br><br>"
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\" >"
echo "</form><hr>"
# We have both fields, so get the token and in this case also the mac address
tok="$(ndsctl json $clientip | grep token | cut -c 10- | cut -c -8)"
clientmac="$(ndsctl json $clientip | grep mac | cut -c 8- | cut -c -17)"

# Output the "Thankyou page" with a continue button
# You could include information or advertising on this page
# Be aware that many devices will close the login browser as soon as
# the client taps continue, so now is the time to deliver your message.
echo "<big-red>Thankyou!</big-red>"
echo "<br><b>Welcome $username</b>"
echo "<br><italic-black> Your News or Advertising could be here, contact the owners of this Hotspot to find out how!</italic-black>"
echo "<form action=\"/nodogsplash_auth/\" method=\"get\">"
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tok\" value=\"$tok\">"
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redir\" value=\"$requested\"><br>"
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\" >"
echo "</form><hr>"

# In this example we have decided to log all clients who are granted access
echo "$(date) Username=$username Email Address=$emailaddr mac address=$clientmac" >> /tmp/ndslog.log

# Output the page footer
echo -e $footer

# The output of this script could of course be much more complex and
# could easily be used to conduct a dialogue with the client user.

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