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Woody Gilk committed Mar 27, 2010
1 parent c4d5cba commit e728921
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 1 deletion.
125 changes: 124 additions & 1 deletion guide/
@@ -1,3 +1,126 @@
# Validation

[!!] stub
Validation can be performed on any array using the [Validate] class. Labels, filters, rules, and callbacks can be attached to a Validate object by the array key, called a "field name".

: A label is a human-readable version of the field name.

: A filter modifies the value of an field before rules and callbacks are run.

: A rule is a check on a field that returns `TRUE` or `FALSE`. If a rule
returns `FALSE`, an error will be added to the field.

: A callback is custom method that can access the entire Validate object.
The return value of a callback is ignored. Instead, the the callback must
manually add an error to the object using [Validate::error] on failure.

Using `TRUE` as the field name when adding a filter, rule, or callback will by applied to all named fields.

**The [Validate] object will remove all fields from the array that have not been specifically named by a label, filter, rule, or callback. This prevents access to fields that have not been validated as a security precaution.**

Creating a validation object is done using the [Validate::factory] method:

$post = Validate::factory($_POST);

[!!] The `$post` object will be used for the rest of this tutorial.

## Adding Filters

All validation filters are defined as a field name, a method or function (using the [PHP callback]( syntax), and an array of parameters:

$object->filter($field, $callback, $parameter);

### Examples

If we wanted to convert the "username" field to lowercase:

$post->filter('username', 'strtolower');

If we wanted to remove all leading and trailing whitespace from all fields:

$post->filter(TRUE, 'trim');

## Adding Rules

All validation rules are defined as a field name, a method or function (using the [PHP callback]( syntax), and an array of parameters:

$object->rule($field, $callback, $parameter);

Validation also comes with several default rules:

Rule name | Function
------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------
[Validate::not_empty] | Value must be a non-empty value
[Validate::regex] | Match the value against a regular expression
[Validate::min_length] | Minimum number of characters for value
[Validate::max_length] | Maximum number of characters for value
[Validate::exact_length] | Value must be an exact number of characters
[Validate::email] | An email address is required
[Validate::email_domain] | Check that the domain of the email exists
[Validate::url] | Value must be a URL
[Validate::ip] | Value must be an IP address
[Validate::phone] | Value must be a phone number
[Validate::credit_card] | Require a credit card number
[Validate::date] | Value must be a date (and time)
[Validate::alpha] | Only alpha characters allowed
[Validate::alpha_dash] | Only alpha and hyphens allowed
[Validate::alpha_numeric] | Only alpha and numbers allowed
[Validate::digit] | Value must be an interger digit
[Validate::decimal] | Value must be a decimal or float value
[Validate::numeric] | Only numeric characters allowed
[Validate::range] | Value must be within a range
[Validate::color] | Value must be a valid HEX color
[Validate::matches] | Value matches another field value

### Examples

Any function added to the `Validate` class may be added as a rule without specifying the `Validate` class:

->rule('username', 'not_empty')
->rule('username', 'regex', array('/^[a-z_.]++$/i'))

->rule('password', 'not_empty')
->rule('password', 'min_length', array('6'))
->rule('confirm', 'matches', array('password'))

->rule('use_ssl', 'not_empty');

Any existing PHP function can also be used a rule. For instance, if we want to check if the user prefers SSL:

$post->rule('use_ssl', 'in_array', array(array('yes', 'no')));

[!!] Note that all array parameters must still be wrapped in an array!

All other custom rules can be added with the complete callback name:

$post->rule('username', array($model, 'unique_username'));

## Adding callbacks

All validation rules are defined as a field name and a method or function (using the [PHP callback]( syntax):

$object->callback($field, $callback);

[!!] Unlike filters and rules, no parameters can be passed to a callback.

### Examples

The user password must be hashed if it validates, so we will hash it using a callback:

$post->callback('password', array($model, 'hash_password'));

This would assume that the `$model->hash_password()` method would be defined similar to:

public function hash_password(Validate $array, $field)
if ($array[$field])
// Hash the password if exists
$array[$field] = sha1($array[$field]);

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