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3 Installing Component Libs and Tests

noeldiviney edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 4 revisions

Create the PSoC_5LP directory

$: mkdir -p ~/projects/P5LP
$: cd projects/P5LP

Use Google repo to fetch and install the Component Libraries and Test Projects

  • repo init initialises the local git files

$: repo init -u
  • repo sync does the actual fetch of all the files

$: repo sync
  • once this has completed you should have PSoC_5LP Component Libraries in place

Component Libs

Configure PSoC Creator to add the CDC Component libraries

  • Launch PSoC Creator

  • select "Tools→Options"

  • Setup the "Options" dialog as per the following image

Options Dialog
  • Ensure that "Projects Location" shows ~\projects\P5LP\ComponentsTest"

  • Now select "Project Management→Default Dependencies"

  • Navigate to "~\projects\P5LP\ComponentsDev"

  • Use the "New Entry" button to find and "open" each Library’s .cyprj file

When finished the "Project Management→Default Dependencies" dialog should look like the following

Default Dependencies
  • When finished press "Ok" to close the dialog

Initialise the Component Libraries in PSoC Creator

  • To do this one has to first creat a new project

  • Launch PSoC Creator if not already launched

  • File→New→Project

  • Select Target device. PSoC 5LP, CY8C5888LTQ-LP097 and "Next" btn

  • Select Empty schematic and "Next" btn

  • Enter Workspace name = "CheckLibs"

  • Ensure that Location is your "cygwin home"\projects\P5LP\ComponentsTest" per above

  • Enter Project name = "CheckLibs" and "Finish" btn

  • When Project is created select the "CDC" tab on the right (Component Catalog)

The "Component Catalog" tree should look like

Component Catalog

To Edit or Create new Components and/or Test Projects

We are now "Good To Go"