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Error handling

Vladimir Sibirov edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 1 revision

The basics

Always catch errors or get them from callbacks or whatever the way of error handling inside your component is. Whenever an error occurs, mark the current request as failed and include the error in the assembly message, then pass the message along:

// Import the fail() helper from the module
import { fail } from 'noflo-assembly';

// ...
// Inside the process
fail(msg, new Error('Something went wrong'));
return output.sendDone(msg);

A failed message still travels along the graph, assembly.Component helps to forward failed message automatically so you don’t need to do it manually in relay() method. In non-relay components or whenever you need to check if the message contains errors, use the failed() helper function from the module:

import { failed } from 'noflo-assembly';

// ...
// Somewhere in process function
if (failed(msg)) {
  return output.sendDone(msg);

Further down the line there has to be a component that is responsible for logging the errors and sending a response.

Forwarding errored requests may look like a waste of resources as you could send the response the moment an error occurs. But it has major benefits:

  • All components handle errors the same way
  • Failing a distributed job can be done correctly (see below)

Failing a distributed job

In a graph that has several branches processing the same request concurrently, an error that occurs in one of the branches usually makes it uneasy to finish the other branches and converge into a correct error response. Such graphs often end up just hanging, or containing garbage from previously failed requests, or trying to use database transactions that have already been terminated elsewhere. This is the problem that Assembly Line error passing convention addresses.

As JavaScript objects are passed by reference and NoFlo encourages passing such references on fan-out connections by default, the assembly message that travels across concurrent branches in the graph are actually the same thing, or share the same errors property. Thus if a message contains errors, it is also seen across the graphs as failed immediately. This prevents from performing actions on a failed request in vain or by mistake.

And because Assembly Line components always pass failed messages further down the graph, all the concurrent branches eventually converge no matter if something failed or not, preventing the graph from being stuck or accumulating uncollectable garbage.

So, if you follow the convention, there’s nothing special to be done to fail a distributed job correctly or ignore failed jobs.

There’s one more thing to be aware of though: when a component is waiting for an async operation to complete, it would make sense to check failed state of the message when the operation is complete, because that state could have changed while waiting.

Multiple error objects and validation

The reason why .errors is an array is because some components, such as those performing input validation, would push there multiple errors at once. It also makes sense to amend error messages with extra data as needed. Example:

const errors = [];
if (!req.body.package_name) {
 errors.push(noflo.helpers.CustomError('Missing package name', { field: 'package_name' }));
if (!req.body.product_id) {
 errors.push(noflo.helpers.CustomError('Missing product ID', { field: 'product_id' }));
if (!req.body.token) {
 errors.push(noflo.helpers.CustomError('Missing token', { field: 'token' }));
if (errors.length > 0) {
 fail(msg, errors);
 return output.sendDone(msg);

The error handler component

Somewhere at the end of the assembly line there should be a component that checks the errors and logs them. It should also copy error messages to the response if needed.

One minor note: don't send JavaScript Error objects in the HTTP response right away. The result can be unexpected. Better send what you want your consumers to see exactly, like copying the error message string and input field names.