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Repository files navigation

Navigation plugin


  • ✅ Navigator 2.0 support
  • ✅ Duplicate strategies and tree concept
  • ✅ Uri templates parsing. Check uri package and RFC 6570
  • ✅ Global / per route transitions + automatic Cupertino transition
  • 🛠️ Nested sub-trees

Good to read

  • You could read sub-tree concept doc for better understand duplicate strategies.

Minimal Installation

Define routes


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:navigation_manager/navigation_manager.dart';

abstract class Routes {
  static final main = AppRoute.subroot(
    (Map<String, dynamic> data) => const YourPageWidget(),
    duplicateStrategy: SubRootDuplicateStrategy.MakeVisible, // optional, default value

  static final unknown = AppRoute(
    (data) => YourUnkwownRoutePage(),
    duplicateStrategy: DuplicateStrategy.Ignore // optional, default value

  static final deeplinkRoutes = [

Setup navigator


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:navigation_manager/navigation_manager.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  late final RouteManager routeManager;

  void initState() {
    routeManager = RouteManager(
      initialRoute: Routes.main, // required

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routerDelegate: AppRouteDelegate(
        routeManager: routeManager, // required
      routeInformationParser: AppRouteInformationParser(
        unknownRoute: Routes.unknown, // required 
        routes: Routes.deeplinkRoutes, // required

And use them

routeManager.push(AppRoute, {Map<String, dynamic> data});

/// Removes the specified route from the routes list.
/// If the specified route is sub-root then entire sub-tree will be deleted.

/// Removes all routes from the routes list after the specified.

routeManager.replaceLast(AppRoute replaceWith);

/// newRoutes must not be empty.
routeManager.replaceAll(List<AppRoute> newRoutes);



void _() {
    /// Application first route.
    initialRoute: Routes.main, // required
    /// Should manager print logs in console.
    debugging: true, // default,

    /// Initial route dynamic arguments.
    initialRouteArgs: const <String, dynamic>{}, // default empty,
    /// You could wrap every route with this parameter.
    /// typedef PageWrapper = Widget Function(RouteManager, AppRoute, Widget);
    routeBuildInterceptor: (manager, route, page) {},
    /// Also you can define default transition for all routes.
    /// typedef TransitionProvider = 
    ///   Widget Function(BuildContext, Animation<double>, Animation<double>, Widget);
    defaultTransition: (context, anim1, anim2, child) {},
    /// Default forward and reverse transition duration.
    /// If not specified then system defaults used.
    transitionDuration: null,
    reverseTransitionDuration: null,

    /// Sets Cupertino page transition as default for all routes.
    /// On iOS and macOs [true] by default. Cupertino could be disabled
    /// for particular route by setting [AppRoute.isCupertino] to [false].
    /// On other platforms [false] by default. Cupertino could be enabled
    /// for particular route by setting [AppRoute.isCupertino] to [true].
    defaultCupertinoTransition: Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOs,


sub-tree concept

void _() {
    /// Route path. Should match RFC 6570 (
    template: '/',
    /// Return your page widget here.
    builder: (Map<String, dynamic>? data) => YourPageWidget(),

    /// Here you can define duplicate behavior for route.
    /// More information at "sub-tree concept" above.
    duplicateStrategy: DuplicateStrategy.Ignore, // default

    /// Sets route transition to Cupertino.
    /// If specified then [AppRoute.transition] will be ignored.
    isCupertino: null, // bool value
    /// Custom transition.
    /// Makes sense only if [RouteManager.defaultCupertinoTransition] = false
    /// and [AppRoute.isCupertino] = false
    /// typedef TransitionProvider = 
    ///   Widget Function(BuildContext, Animation<double>, Animation<double>, Widget);
    transition: (context, anim1, anim2, page) {},
    /// Custom forward transition duration.
    duration: Duration(), // null by default
    /// Custom reverse transition duration.
    reverseDuration: Duration(), // null by default