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Api Quota

Clemens Zagler edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 14 revisions

You might have seen error code 429 with the following error response:

  "hint": "",
  "message": "You have exhausted your API Request Quota",
  "policy": "[see below]"

This is because you used all your calls that you were allowed to use.

At the moment we have the following limitations in place:

  • Api Requests / Second
  • Date range limit on historic data
  • ... others might follow if needed

Api Requests / Second

The following policies explain, how many calls you can make.


1) Anonymous

You are not logged in and you didn't send a referer header, therefore you are restricted per IP and query path.

10 Requests per second

2) Referrer

The HTTP referer is passed, therefore you are restricted per referer, IP and query path.

20 requests per second

3) Authenticated: BASIC

A valid Bearer Token containing a BASIC role, or no role at all. This corresponds to the basic pricing policy of the Open Data Hub. This is the default, for authenticated users that are not assigned to any role. You are restricted per user-id, referer, IP and query path.

50 requests per second

4) Authenticated: ADVANCED

A valid Bearer Token containing a ADVANCED role. This corresponds to the advanced pricing policy of the Open Data Hub.
You are restricted per user-id, referer, IP and query path.

100 requests per second

5) Authenticated: PREMIUM

A valid Bearer Token containing a PREMIUM role. This corresponds to the premium pricing policy of the Open Data Hub. You are restricted per user-id, referer, IP and query path.

200 requests per second

6) Authenticated: ADMIN

A valid Bearer Token containing an ADMIN role. No restriction at all, only used internally for administration and testing.

unlimited requests per second

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