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Releases: noisymime/speeduino

October 2016 release

09 Nov 11:10
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OK so I'm a bit late with this months update, but there's a good reason for it. I know I've been a little quiet around the forums the last few weeks, and this has mostly been due to putting all of my Speeduino time into the firmware.

So, without beating around the bush. The good news is that the October firmware now supports full sequential fuel and ignition control! This has been a huge piece of work to get in and is one of the reasons things are a little delayed. A couple of points about the implementation:

  • Individual cylinder fuel trim adjustment is supported via 4 6x6 3D tables
  • Fuel and ignition are independent of one another, meaning one can be sequential and the other not
  • Sequential is available for engines up to 4 cylinders
  • Currently sequential is only supported with the missing tooth (+ cam) and dual wheel decoders. Support for others will be added over the coming weeks

In addition to that piece of good news, there's been the usual assortment of new features, bug fixes and performance improvements:

  • Fix for issue of sensor calibrations (IAT and CLT) not saving correctly. This was present on versions of Tuner Studio newer than 3.0.7
  • New baro read method on startup will detect if the engine is already running and attempt to use the last know good baro reading
  • Calibration profile for MPX4400 was added
  • Improvements to some of the fan control logic. This fixes a potential issue of a fan not switching off under certain conditions.
  • Changes to the fixed crank timing code to improve accuracy. This may make for more reliable starts on low res decoders such as the Basic Distributor and the 4G63.
  • Code will now compile cleanly and run to the point of being able to connect to TunerStudio using a Teensy 3.2 or 3.5/3.6. Note that there is NO scheduling available for these platforms yet, so it is non-functional, but it is a huge step closer to getting these up and running as an alternative.
  • A number of code/comment cleanups from VitorBoss (Thanks!)

I think that just about covers everything. This is a BIG update this month and there are a lot of changes both in the code and in the layout of things in TunerStudio. I strongly recommend going over your tune after upgrading to ensure that everything still looks ok.

September 2016 release

30 Sep 16:09
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So September has been largely focussed on hardware for me, but as always there's been some more solid improvements and new features added in the firmware.

On the hardware front, I've finally had a bit more time to play with the new surface mount design, specifically the MX5 PNP board that has been in the works for a little while.

This board is not yet ready to go and there were some showstopper issues found on this testing version, but given the ground up design, this was expected. The board did run an engine, but a few of the onboard features are not functional due to design issues. Still, it's getting there :)

Around the firmware, it's been fantastic to see a few people putting forward pull requests for their own work. I will need to begin putting in place some processes to make this smoother in the future (Eg a style guide) but I'm thrilled that others are putting up good quality pull requests that I am confident in bringing into the main code.

As usual, here's the list of major changes:
A critical fix to the Multiply MAP option to correctly calculate PW for this. Note: If you've had this enabled, you will likely need to make changes to your VE table with this fix. . If you are not using Multiply MAP (Default is to have this off) then there is no impact
Changes required to support TunerStudio 3.0.7 and newer. This was caused by a change in TS to drop support for a certain label in the ini
Oddfire support for engines up to 4 cylinders has been added
More flexible pull up / switch configuration for launch control (Thanks go to Connor McLaughlin for this)
A 'Non-360' degree decoder. This is a version of the dual wheel decoder that allows for primary tooth counts that don't divide evenly into 360
A live histogram of O2 and tpsDOT has been added to the acceleration enrichment dialog. This is a huge help in tuning this enrichment as you can directly see the impact that throttle movements are having on the O2 and adjust the curve accordingly.

This firmware can be downloaded from: ...
Or from the release on github: ... tag/201609

As always, if there are any issues or problems experienced with this release, please leave a comment below or raise a bug.

August 2016 release

31 Aug 11:36
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So August gone already and it's been another solid month of mostly bug fixes and stability improvements. Not too exciting, but these can be really time consuming to track down in some cases, so I'm pretty satisfied with the progress this month.

To give a little news on the new feature front, I'm happy to say that I've successfully run a car on fuel sequential fuel/ignition this month. The code to make this work is now largely in place, though needs more edge case testing. Really the largest outstanding work here is in the interface within Tuner Studio. In my opinion the req fuel calculator in TS is not particularly well suited to sequential and it's very Megasquirt focussed in its method. I'm tempted to scrap it for this calculation and point people to a website that is specific for Speeduino, but this is a bit messy and not the best user experience. I'll keep having think about the best way to tackle this.

As for the things that actually got included this month, the big hitters are:

  • The tacho output pin is now configurable in TS
  • A few new gauges and indicators have been added as well as some extra variables in the log
  • The Warm Up Enrichment (WUE) dialog has been rewritten and now no longer uses the built in MS1/2 screen. All temperature bins are now fully configurable (Previously restricted to fixed degrees) and there are no more issues with the dialog itself being blank. SEE NOTE BELOW FOR UPGRADING
  • Improvements to the cranking/starting accuracy for low res decoders (4g63 in particular)
  • Restricted the 'Include AFR' option to only be used when a wideband sensor is selected. Also fixed an error that could prevent the sensor being read correctly under some conditions.
  • A number of improvements were made to the serial connection code. Hopefully this addresses the reconnection issues some people were experiencing on Windows.
  • The fan output now registers the pin assignment correctly
  • Fixed a bug on the missing tooth decoder that could leave the filter in a state where it rejected all signals above a certain RPM
  • Fixed an issue affecting injector channel 4 under some conditions that lead to a longer than intended pulsewidth on that channel.

With the WUE system having been rewritten, please double check your WUE curve after loading the new firmware and ini. Whilst it should be the same, it's possible.

Other than that, it's a fairly standard upgrade. I strongly recommend it for all users given the fixes that have gone in and as usual, if there are any further problems found, just post below and I'll take a look.

July 2016 release

03 Aug 02:42
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Despite me being largely out of action due to other commitments that last 10 days or so, there was a lot of progress made throughout July. Some of these things are parts of larger pieces of work and aren't fully completed yet (Eg 5 cylinder support), so this update may look somewhat lite on for new features, but rest assured there's lots happening.

To keep things short and sweet, here's the list of the major changes since last month:

  • An error management system has been introduced for handling various types of sensor and operating failures. This is still very much a work in progress, but essentially it will allow for easier diagnosis of errors and the use of default sensor values for a 'limp home' mode. The system flags that there has been an error and will output an error number that can be looked up against the (WIP) documentation:
    • Up to 4 error conditions can be managed at a single time
    • For this release, the replacement default values are disabled, so you only get the error being logged for now, but I expect this to be turned on by default (With a configuration dialog) for next month
  • Speeduino now uses it's own signature in TunerStudio, meaning that conflicts between the ini file and the code that is loaded will be picked up when you connect. This should hopefully reduce the number of people having disconnection issues due to mismatching config/code. See below for important details about this change
  • Fixed a condition that could cause the tacho output to 'miss' every now and then, which resulted in a poor signal.
  • Significant performance improvement on the 2D table lookups
  • Change code directory structure to work with the recently released Arduino IDE 1.6.10
  • Fixes for injector timing issues that were discovered in the June release (These fixes were also included in the rereleased v3 of the June files).

IMPORTANT: Because of the change with the signature, you MUST have Tuner Studio 3.0.2 or newer to use this firmware. It will fail to connect on any version earlier than this. I HIGHLY recommend the update even if you're not using this firmware though as Tuner Studio 3 is a great leap forward over the 2.6.x versions. It can be downloaded from:

AS always, the firmware is available from the wiki:
Or now also as a release on github:

June 2016 release

01 Jul 08:10
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OK, short, sweet and to the point on the update this month. So much good stuff happening, but at least for June the firmware is a little quiet on the new features front. That's not to say it hasn't got a lot in it though!

On the juice side of things, a lot of work has been done on the Flex fuel capability. Whilst it's not fully ready for June, the ability to read, display and log a flex sensor has been added. classified has done a heap of work on the actual fuel/ignition adjustments side of things and I'm hoping this should be merged within July sometime.

A LOT of work has gone into squashing bugs that were identified, some small, some more significant. I'm happy to say that from a reliability point of view, this release is the best to date by a long margin so I recommend upgrading for this alone.

Rather than drag it out, here's a full summary listing of the changes:

  • Flex fuel sensor reading added
  • lambda output added
  • New decoder added based on info from classified. I have no idea what this should be called, but for now its simply designated 'MazdaAU' as this is apparently a pattern unique to Australian vehicles.
  • Include AFR option has been added to allow incorporating AFR target directly in the pulsewidth calculation (Similar to 'Include MAP')
  • Decent performance improvements to the corrections code
  • Tweaks to the serial comms code to allow newer versions of the Tuner Studio beta (.120 and up) to be used
  • Bug fix for potential serial disconnect and display of incorrect values
  • Fix bug identified by AndreaRC that could cause injector pulse dropout under certain conditions, particularly when very low injector timing angles were set

On the whole this is a solid update, if even its not feature rich. I highly recommend it for all users for general stability etc.