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Managing database connections

nsamusik edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Managing database connections

Creating a new database

Sometimes you may want to limit the size of one database to keep it manageable. To achieve this, create a new database connection, specify the path and the name of the new database and press 'Done'

Connecting to existing database

Locate the folder that contains 3 database files on your computer (e.g.,, MyDB.script) Create a new database connection (see above), specify the path to the folder that contains the existing database file and put 'Database Name' that corresponds to the name of the existing database (from the example above, the database name will be MyDB, without dot or extension). Press 'Done'

Switching between database connections

Press the gear button on the 'Datasets' pane, then press 'Choose database host' and from the dropdown menu choose one of the existing connections and press 'Done'. Then, make sure to transfer all datasets that you need from 'Available Datasets' to 'Selected Datasets': only selected datasets will be displayed in the dataset list

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