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nolialsea edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 1 revision


Variable Starting value Description
level 1 Represent your level as a floating point
gold 0 The actual currency, represents your total gold in grams or whatever (it's a floating point)
lastMining now() Timestamp of the last mining, used to calculate most things like mining income


Variable Description
name You can name pickaxes at creation
power Define the maximum amount of gold you can mine per day with this pickaxe
maxDurability Maximum damages the pickaxe can take before breaking, cannot repair behond this value
durability Actual durability, can never be above maxDurability
upgrade Number of upgrades the pickaxe received
repair Number of repairs the pickaxe received
totalInvestment Total gold invested in this pickaxe
totalGoldMined Total gold mined by this pickaxe

Current configurations

Variable Value Description
creationPowerRatio 3 Created pickaxes have creationPowerRatio*INVESTMENT power
creationMaxDurabilityRatio 3 Created pickaxes have creationMaxDurabilityRatio*INVESTMENT max durability
upgradePowerRatio 1 Upgrading a pickaxe adds upgradePowerRatio*INVESTMENT to its power
upgradeMaxDurabilityRatio 1 Upgrading a pickaxe adds upgradePowerRatio*INVESTMENT to its max durability
repairDurabilityRatio 1 Repairing adds repairDurabilityRatio*INVESTMENT to the durability
damageRatio 0.5 Mining damages pickaxe durability by damageRatio*pickaxePower*delta
levelingRate 1 Define the leveling curve (see leveling maths)
delta Represents the time since the last mining in days as a floating point
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