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Nolan Hellyer edited this page Feb 29, 2020 · 3 revisions


Hear me out

I know, friends, but hear me out. The checkout page is a text field where you enter library book numbers for books you want to checkout #31. I know, friends, I know. It sounds awful. You don't checkout books just be typing on a computer that you have them checked out, though. You have to physically get them before you check them out otherwise you might checkout a book that is lost or stolen or misplaced and then be accountable for a book you don't have. Instead, when you checkout a book at a library, you take it to a checkout area and scan it with a scan gun.

Friends, please, don't leave. We don't need to implement a whole scanner thing. All those scanners are really doing is reading numbers and then the application is dropping them into a text field. We just need to be able to type them in.

That said, scan guns are like $20 and there are npm packages that connect to them so if we get that far I will probably buy a scan gun and get it working.

After all the books have been either typed or scanned, the user should be able to go to a checkout page which lists the books they are taking and asks them to confirm. This page is a good place for notifications about trying to checkout too many books, or having overdue books.