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This is a rollup plugin to bundle the wasm file. This plugin is primarily developped to deal with the Rust wasm-pack output files.


Install this package by npm install @nomaton/rollup-plugin-rusty-wasm --save-dev, then import the module and add to the rollup plugins.

// rollup.config.js
import rustyWasm from "@nomaton/rollup-plugin-rusty-wasm";

export default {
    plugins: [

This plugin expects wasm files to have import records specifying the importable module paths.

Using wasm-pack output

When using this plugin with the wasm-pack or wasm-bindgen output, set the option --target bundler (or omit --target to use default).

$ wasm-pack build --target bundler
$ wasm-pack build

Furthermore, this plugin requires pkg/{crate}_bg.wasm be imported before pkg/{crate}_bg.js (for the circular dependency between {crate}_bg.wasm and {crate}_bg.js). This order is preserved if pkg/{crate}.js is imported first. As {crate}.js exports everything from {crate}_bg.js, importing {crate}_bg.js directly is not recommanded.

Importing pkg/{crate}_bg.wasm directly is safe anywhere.

import { someFunc } from './pkg/foo';               // OK (normally resolved to foo.js)
// not works
import { someFunc } from './pkg/foo_bg';            // NG (normally resolved to foo_bg.js)
import { init, memory } from './pkg/foo_bg.wasm';   // OK (useful to access internal memory)
import { someFunc } from './pkg/foo';               // these two lines may be swapped.



type: one of

  • undefined (ommited)
  • OptionItem (object)
  • [OptionItem (object)]

This plugin takes options of type OptionItem (described below) or an array of them.

Each item has an optional target predicate (file-path based) to determine whether to apply the options to each wasm file. If the target predicate is not set, the options of the item is always applied. If multiple items are applied, the following items overwrite the same fields of the preceding items.

// single item
plugins: [
        // OptionItem fields
        loadMethod: 'inline',

// multiple items
plugins: [
            target: undefined, // may be omitted
            // applied to all the wasm.
            loadMethod: 'streaming',
            target: "foo/",
            // only applied to the wasm under './foo' directory.
            // overwrites the same fields preceding.
            loadMethod: 'inline',

Normally the single item without the target predicate is sufficient unless you have multiple wasm files to be handled differently.

If there is no options or no predicates are satisfied, it uses the default values.

// default values
    loadMethod: 'buffered',
    renameWasm: false,
    syncInit: false,
    deferInit: false,
    initFuncName: 'init',

OptionItem object

OptionItem is an object with the following fields:

  • target (optional)
  • loadMethod (optional)
  • renameWasm (optional)
  • syncInit (optional)
  • deferInit (optional)
  • initFuncName (optional)

type: string

Specifies the prefix of wasm file path to apply this OptionItem. If omitted, it is always applied.

For more description, see the section: Options Target.


type: 'buffered' | 'streaming' | 'inline'

default: 'buffered'

Specifies how to load the wasm file.

If set 'buffered', wasm files are loaded by fetch() [mdn] and the responses are buffered and compiled by WebAssembly.compile() [mdn].

If set 'streaming', wasm files are loaded by fetch() then compiled by WebAssembly.compileStreaming() [mdn].

'streaming' is more desirable than 'buffered' for efficiency, but streaming requires wasm files be sent with application/wasm mime-type (some test servers will fail, especially if the .wasm extension is missing).

If set inline, wasm files are embedded in the bundle file as strings encoded by the uuencode variant (a cousin of the Base64-encode).


type: boolean | string | object

default: false

Specifies how to name the output wasm file. This option is ignored if loadMethod is set 'inline'.

If set false (default), the original file name is preserved and output directly under the output.dir.

If set true, the file name is determined by the rollup default rule.

If set a string value name, the file name is determined using output.assetFileNames[rollup.js] settings. If name has no extension, .wasm is appended.

For more description, see the section: Output wasm Name.


type: boolean

default: false

If set true, the wasm module is initialized synchronically in the wasm import. This setting is available only if the rollup output.format supports the top level await.

For more description, see the section: Initialization.


type: boolean

default: false

If set true, the initialization is defered until the init function is called.

For more description, see the section: Initialization.


type: string

default: 'init'

Specifies the name of the ad-hoc exported function to initialize the wasm module.

For more description, see the section: Initialization.


By default, this plugin adds an ad-hoc exported function init to each wasm module. This function initializes the wasm module and returns a promise which certifies that the wasm exports are available.

import { init, someFunc } from "./foo.wasm";

someFunc(); // Error (may not be available)

init().then(() => {
    someFunc();  // OK

If optionItem.syncInit is set true, the initialization is completed within the wasm import so that the exports are available as soon as imported.

// syncInit: true
import { someFunc } from "./foo.wasm";

someFunc(); // OK

This setting is available only if the rollup output.format[rollup.js] supports the top level await (es or system).

In this case, the ad-hoc function init is not exported.

If optionItem.deferInit is set true, it defers the initialization and creating the promise until the first call of init. Otherwise (default), the initialization starts and the promise is created when the wasm is imported, and init just returns the created promise.

The name of ad-hoc function init can be changed by setting optionItem.initFuncName. This is useful when the wasm itself has an export of name init.

// initFuncName: "initWasm"
import { initWasm, init } from "./foo.wasm";

initWasm().then(() => {
    init();  // exported by foo.wasm itself

deferInit and initFuncName are ignored when syncInit is true.

Output wasm Name

By default, the names of the output wasm files are identical to the input files and put just under the directory set at rollup output.dir.

This behavior can be changed by setting OptionItem.renameWasm, which takes the following values:

  • false (default)
  • true
  • name: string
  • { prefix: string }
  • { name: string, noExt?: boolean }
  • { fileName: string }

If set true, the file name is determined by the rollup default rule.

If set a string value name, the file name is determined using output.assetFileNames[rollup.js] settings. If name has no extension, .wasm is appended. Note that the extension is preserved in the default output.assetFileNames pattern.

If set an object of {prefix: prefix}, the prefix is prepended to the original file name. prefix may contain path separators to put the wasm files under the subdirectory of output.dir.

If set an object of {name: name}, it behaves the same way as setting a string value name. Setting the optional field noExt: true prevents complementing the extension .wasm.

If set {fileName: fileName}, fileName is used as the output wasm path under the output.dir. Note that applying this setting to multiple wasm files causes the file name collision error.

// examples
// - input wasm file:   original.wasm
// - output.dir:        dist
renameWasm: false,                          // --> dist/original.wasm
renameWasm: true,                           // --> dist/assets/{hash} (*)
renameWasm: "foo",                          // --> dist/assets/foo-{hash}.wasm (*)
renameWasm: { prefix: "sub/" },             // --> dist/sub/original.wasm
renameWasm: { name: "foo" },                // --> dist/assets/foo-{hash}.wasm (*)
renameWasm: { name: "foo", noExt: true },   // --> dist/assets/foo-{hash} (*)
renameWasm: { name: "foo.wasm2" },          // --> dist/assets/foo-{hash}.wasm2 (*)
renameWasm: { fileName: "sub/bar.wasm" },   // --> dist/sub/bar.wasm
// (*) ... use default rollup settings

Options Target

Each option item has an optional target field, which specifies the path of wasm file to which apply the options. The target is considered as a prefix of the target wasm file path and corrected to the absolute path before matching (the non-absolute path is resolved from the current directory).

If target ends with suffix '/' (no backslash '\\'), it is considered as a directory and matches only the contents including subdirectories. Otherwise, any path starting with (or equal to) the prefix matches.

For example, "foo" will match

  • ./foo.wasm,
  • ./foo/bar.wasm
  • ./foo-bar/baz.wasm

while "foo/" will match only

  • ./foo/bar.wasm

If target field is absent, the option item is applied always. This is useful for the common settings, but it must be put at the begenning of the options array as the preceding items are overwritten.




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