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167 lines (113 loc) · 4.06 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (113 loc) · 4.06 KB

Version 0.0.4 (prerelease, unstable)

npm install phrase


What is it?

  • A describer.
  • A repeatable context assembler.
  • An heirarchical modeler.
  • ...
  • A metadata enriched scope heap.
  • An Open Closure.


rootRegistrar = require('phrase').createRoot( opts, linkFunction )

# example
# -------

neuron = require( 'phrase' ).createRoot

    # opts.
    title:       'Neuron'
    uuid:        '00000000-0700-0000-0000-fffffffffff0'
    leaf:        ['synapse']
    timeout:     100000000001  # neuron lifetime (estimate)

    # linkFunction.

    (token) -> 

        token.on 'ready', (data) -> 

            console.log 'INIT (1 OF 3) -', 

                "synaptic inputs ready (structure: count=#{ 

                    ((path for path of data.tokens).filter (path) -> path.match /\d$/ ).length 


            # console.log data
            # { walk: { startedAt: 1377384696287, first: true, duration: 118 },
            # tokens: 
            #  { '/Neuron/soma': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #    '/Neuron/soma/dendrite/synapses': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #    '/Neuron/soma/dendrite/synapses/input/1': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #    '/Neuron/soma/dendrite/synapses/input/2': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #    '/Neuron/soma/dendrite/synapses/input/3': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #    '/Neuron/soma/dendrite/synapses/input/4': { name: [Getter], uuid: [Getter] },
            #  ...

            # TODO: Output Synapses
            #       by ???
            # TODO: Join neural network 
            #       by attaching the synaptic inputs (tokens) to
            #          synaptic outputs from other neurons 
            #          just like this one
            #          and presenting this neurons outputs for 
            #          attachment at inputs to other neurons
            # TODO: Learn
            #       by ??? (adjusting the synaptic weight)

neuron 'soma', (dendrite) -> 


        all:  -> @accumulated    = 0
        each: -> @synapticWeight = Math.random()

    dendrite 'synapses', (input) -> 

        # initialize a random number (<100) of input synapses

        for i in [1..(Math.floor Math.random() * 100)] 

            do (i) -> 

                input "#{  i  }", (synapse) -> 

                    # from this point onward: things become largely theoretical...

                    @notice.event( 'free::dentrite', 

                        # inform the controller

                        Wanted:   'axon synapse for coupling'
                        Likes:    'long stalks on the peach'
                        Dislikes: 'electro-shock therapy'

                    ).then (pending) -> 

                        pending.on 'free::axon', (address) -> 

                            # controller has located ideal free::axon

                            require('notice').connect "#{  i  }", 

                                connect: address
                                (error, socket) -> 

                                    socket.use (msg, next) -> 

                                        # a new 'excitement' payload has crossed the synaptic cleft


# TODO: A better example. 
#       Possibly creating neural networks is entrely beside the point. 
#       At this time.