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Handling Errors: Acknowledgements

Chapter 9 image


In the previous chapter, you used retransmissions to deal with transmission errors. In this chapter, you will improve on this by using acknowledgements. Doing this activity, you will learn several essential methods and protocols for error control in networking.

In summary, you will learn:

  • The concept of acknowledgements

  • The concept of Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)

  • The Stop-and-Wait protocol

What you’ll need

2 micro:bits
1 teammate


In the previous chapter, a message was transmitted multiple times no matter if the receiver already received an earlier copy. This is wasteful for the sender! You could have been transmitting new information instead of repeating yourself. This is also wasteful for the receiver, which needs to keep discarding the duplicates.

To avoid this, we will introduce a new concept called acknowledgements.

!!! hint "Definition 1: Acknowledgement (ACK)" Acknowledgements are small messages that the receiver sends back, to tell the sender it received a message. The sender then knows it doesn't need to retransmit and is ready to send the next message.

If the sender does not receive an acknowledgement, only then it should retransmit its message.

But how long should the sender wait for an acknowledgement? This is determined by a timeout.

!!! hint "Definition 2: Timeout" A timeout is the amount of time allowed to pass before the sender gives up waiting for an acknowledgement.

In other words, if the sender does not receive an acknowledgement within a timeout period, it will decide the packet must have got lost.

Acknowledgements are used in an error control method called Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ).

!!! hint "Definition 3: Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)" Automatic Repeat Request is an error control method. It uses acknowledgements and timeouts to retransmit packets. Retransmissions may continue until the sender receives an acknowledgement, or a maximum number is reached.

ARQ is used both in the Internet and mobile networks.

In its simplest form, an Automatic Repeat Request uses the Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol

!!! hint "Definition 4: Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol" In the Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol, the sender:

1. sends a packet
2. waits for the acknowledgement (ACK) or but gives up after a timeout period
3. if timeout, goes to step 1
4. if ACK, gets a new packet, goes to step 1.

Notice that in the Stop-and-Wait protocol, the sender cannot send a new packet until it receives the acknowledgement for the previous one.

The figure below shows an example of successful retransmission. The sender sends "Hello", and the receiver responds with an ACK. The sender received the ACK before the timeout ends, so it knows the packet was received OK. Now, the sender can start sending another message.

Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The receiver sends an ACK back to the sender, so the sender knows that the "Hello" message arrived OK.

!!! note "" Figure 1: Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The receiver sends and ACK back to the sender, so the sender knows that the "Hello" message arrived OK.

Now let's look at some error cases. Figure below shows that the first message from the sender is lost. So, the receiver does not send an ACK. When the timeout ends, the sender has not received an ACK. So, it retransmits the message. The second attempt is successful, and the sender receives an ACK on time (before a timeout).

Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The message gets lost, so the sender retransmits it.

!!! note "" Figure 2: Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The message gets lost, so the sender retransmits it.

The figure below shows an example where the message from the sender is received, but the ACK is lost. Again, when the timout ends, the sender has not received an ACK. So, it retransmits its message. The receiver gets the message, and again, sends an ACK. This time the ACK succeeds and things can go as usual.

Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The message was received, but the ACK gets lost, so the sender retransmits the message.

!!! note "" Figure 3: Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: The message was received, but the ACK gets lost, so the sender retransmits the message.

These examples show that Stop-and-Wait ARQ handles data packet and ACK losses quite well. But, does it always work? The figure below shows a problem that can happen when messages or ACKs are delayed. In other words, timeouts end before ACKs can be received. In this example, when the sender sends the first "Hello", the receiver receives this message and sends an ACK back. But the sender times out before it receives this ACK. So, it retransmits the second "Hello". Then, the sender receives the delayed ACK message. But what packet does this ACK refer to? The first "Hello", or the second?

Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: What happens if a message gets delayed? It's not clear which ACK refers to which message.

!!! note "" Figure 4: Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol: What happens if a message gets delayed? It's not clear which message an ACK refers to.

To solve this confusion, the protocol needs to use sequence numbers.

!!! hint "Definition 5: Sequence number" A sequence number is a number chosen by the sender, and included in the packet header. When the receiver sends an ACK, it contains the next sequence number to tell the sender that it received the previous packet, and is ready for the next one.

For example, when the sender sends “Hello, 0”, this is a “Hello” message with a sequence number 0. On receiving this packet, the receiver will send “ACK, 1”, which says “I received packet 0, send me packet 1 next”. We won't use sequence numbers in this lesson's tasks, but you could try adding them as an extended activity.

Programming: Stop and Wait!

To program the Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol, you will work with a teammate. Like in Handling Errors: Retransmissions, you will use your custom sendWithError function to send messages with errors. The communication is unicast, so you will still use source and destination addresses in your messages. like you did in the Unicast communication: One to One. Do not forget that your receivers need to check if the received messages are addressed to them!

Task 1: Design your data and ACK packets

Description: Before you can send and receive any packets, first you will decide what your data and ACK packets should look like.

Instruction: Discuss the minimum information you should have in your packets. Create two string variables for data and ACK packets.

Task 2: Timeout and retransmission

Description: To program the Stop-and-Wait, you need a timeout mechanism. After each transmission, you need to wait for the ACK or time out. The main decision you need to make is how long the timeout should be.

Instruction: To do this task, you may either start from scratch or change your code from Handling Errors: Retransmissions for the sender micro:bit. At the sender side, program how to wait for the ACK. The sleep() function will be useful for the timeout mechanism. If your pause ends before you receive an acknowledgement, then you will retransmit the packet. If you receive the ACK before the pause ends, you will remember this information when the pause ends and will use it to send your next message.

To test the program, you need to also program the receiver. The receiver sends the ACK packet for each data packet it receives. The ACK messages may be lost as well (so they should be sent using sendWithError() function).

Task 3: Testing the reliability of Stop-and-Wait

Description: In this task, you will experiment with the Stop-and-Wait protocol you programmed. For this, you will add a counter on the sender side to count the number of retransmissions. On the receiver side, you need a counter to understand the effect acknowledgements have on retransmissions.

Instruction: Decide on a timeout/pause time. Send five numbers to your teammate’s micro:bit using the Stop-and-Wait protocol. You will run the protocol for a fixed error value (25 and 75), repeating each experiment three times.

In the table below, retransmissions are the number of times a packet needed to be resent. Duplicates are the number of times the receiver received unnecessary retransmissions. Note that, since we are introducing errors artificially, retransmissions happen when packets get dropped at the sender, and duplicates are triggered when ACKs are dropped at the receiver.

So, let’s assume, the sender ended up sending the following:

   1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5

There were 7 retransmissions. And the receiver received the following:

   1 2 2 3 4 5 5

Two duplicates were received. The first row of the table is filled as an example. Use your experiment results to fill in the rest. By comparing retransmissions to duplicates, discuss how good the protocol is in handling errors.

Error value Experiment no. Retransmissions Duplicates
25 (example) 7 2
25 1
25 2
25 3
75 1
75 2
75 3

Extended activity

!!! attention "Exercise 1" Discuss how acknowledgements work better than using only retransmissions. Do you see any problems with using acknowledgements?

!!! attention "Exercise 2" Discuss how the duration of the timeout period affects your protocol. For instance, what happens if your timer is too short or too long? What happens if acknowledgements are delayed.

!!! attention "Exercise 3" Research the "Alternating Bit Protocol", which uses a 1-bit sequence number to help with the problems discussed in the figures for error cases.


  1. What does ARQ mean?

  2. In the Stop-and-Wait ARQ protocol, if 10 packets are sent, how many acknowledgements are needed?


Solutions for this chapter can be found under the Github Directory. You can find the example test results in


Video: The Internet: Packet, Routing and Reliability -