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Two-way unicast

Chapter 6 image


In this chapter, you will learn about bidirectional communication: sending a message to another micro:bit and getting a response to your message. You will also learn about the Ping program, which is a commonly used tool to check if computers are still connected to the Internet.

This chapter will build on the learnings from Unicast Communication: One to One. The new ideas are:

  • The idea of 2-way communication (bidirectional communication)

  • The Ping program

  • The concept of round-trip-time

What you’ll need

2 micro:bits
1 whiteboard/board
boardmarkers/postit notes
1 teammate


Bidirectional communication enables two-way communication between two computers.

!!! hint "Definition 1: Bidirectional communication" This is a communications mode in which data is transmitted in both directions but not at the same time.

In the previous chapter, your micro:bits had clear roles: there was a sender and a receiver. In bidirectional communication, either of the micro:bits can send and receive messages. This way, it becomes possible to create two-way protocols. In these protocols, when a computer sends a message, it waits for a certain response to its message.

!!! hint "Definition 2: Ping" Ping is an example of a two-way protocol. It is widely used in the Internet to test whether a networked computer is on and connected OK.

Ping program sends a Ping message to test whether computers are OK. It expects this message to be echoed back, for example with a Pong message. This is like playing ping pong but with computers and over networks. If the sender does not receive a response to its Ping, this shows there is a problem with the receiver. It is also a problem if it takes a long time before the sender receives a Pong response.

So, Ping program measures the round-trip-time between the two computers to point out these problems.

!!! hint "Definition 3: Round-trip-time (RTT)" Round-trip-time is the time it takes for a message to go from a sender to a receiver and back again.

In other words, the sender measures the difference in time when it sent the Ping and when it received the Pong.

RTT = Time_receive_pong - Time_send_ping

The figure below shows the relationship between, Ping, Pong, and round-trip-time.

Round-trip-time. Micro:bit 1 sends a Ping message to Micro:bit 2 at Time_send. The Micro:bit 2 responds with a Pong message. Micro:bit 1 receives the Pong message at Time_receive. The difference between these two times, Time_receive and Time_send is the round-trip-time.

!!! note "" Figure 1: Round-trip-time. Micro:bit 1 sends a Ping message to Micro:bit 2 at Time_send. The Micro:bit 2 responds with a Pong message. Micro:bit 1 receives the Pong message at Time_receive. The difference between these two times, Time_receive and Time_send is the round-trip-time.

Besides round-trip-time (RTT), the Ping program reports statistical information. Figure below shows an example output as a result of using the command:


on the website. In this example, four Ping messages were sent to The round-trip-time for each message is given with the time value in each line. For example, for the first ping, the RTT is 10.2 ms (milliseconds). The program also reports ping statistics. For example, 4 packets were sent, 4 packets were received. This means 0% packet loss. The average RTT (shown as avg) is 10.184 ms.

The output of running ping to send four messages to The online program reports round-trip time and a statistical summary of the results.

!!! note "" Figure 2: The output of running ping to send four messages to The online program reports round-trip time and a statistical summary of the results.

With a micro:bit, to calculate the round-trip-time of your messages, you will use the running time variable.

!!! hint "Definition 3: micro:bit running time" A variable that keeps record of how long has passed since the micro:bit was turned on or reset (measured in milliseconds).

PXT running time

!!! note "" Figure 3: MakeCode running time

In the rest of this chapter, you will use the running time variable to calculate the round-trip time. It will be very useful to record the time when you first sent a message, and also when you received a response. Hint: Recording running time means setting a variable equal to the current running time. You will need to combine the set item block in the JavaScript Blocks editor Variables menu with the running time block in the Input menu shown above.

Programming: Ping

This activity is best done with a team of two. You will together program your micro:bits to run the Ping program. For this, you will need to complete four tasks.

Task 1: Prepare for unicast

Description: Ping uses unicast between the sender and the receiver micro:bits. Look at your notes for Unicast Communication: One to One and your unicast program to remember how to do unicast.

Instruction: Start with using the unicast program you have written for Unicast Communication: One to One as a basis. In this program, decide which micro:bit is going send the Pings, and which micro:bit is going to respond with Pongs. Set the address variables based on your decision. Design your message header, Ping packet, and Pong packet.

Task 2: Send a Ping

Description: The ping sender records the time before it sends out a Ping packet. It unicasts the Ping packet.

Instruction: Use running time to record the Ping sending time. Send a Ping packet to the receiver micro:bit.

Task 3: Receive a Ping

Description: The receiver micro:bit responds a Ping message with a Pong.

Instruction: Program the receiver micro:bit to unicast a Pong packet when a Ping packet is received.

Task 4: Receive a Pong and calculate round-trip-time

Description: When the sender micro:bit receives the Pong, it calculates the round-trip-time.

Instruction: Program the sender to receive a Pong packet. When the Pong is received, record the time using the running time variable. Show the difference between receiving and sending times on your display. Run your program 5 times, and write down the send times that you see in your display. Answer these two questions:

  1. What is the minimum and maximum round-trip-time (RTT)?

  2. What is the average RTT?


!!! attention "Exercise 1" Extend your Ping program to send automatically more than one Ping message. Test it with 10 Pings. Calculate the average round-trip time of these Ping messages.

!!! attention "Exercise 2" The Ping program reports the round-trip-time. What if you wanted to calculate the time the message took one-way? Is it possible to calculate one-way times? In other words, is it possible to calculate how long it takes to send a message from the sender to the receiver? How long the messages take from the receiver to the sender?


  1. In the example ping figure from the site, what is

  2. What is round-trip-time, and how is it calculated?

  3. Think about the following scenario: micro:bit 1 sends a Ping to micro:bit 2 at time 5. If the round-trip-time is 10, at what time did the micro:bit 1 receive the Pong message?

  4. In the example ping figure from the site, what are the minimum and maximum round-trip-times (RTTs)?

  5. In the example ping figure from the site, the packet loss 0% loss. What is the loss percentage, if 2 Ping messages were lost out of 5?


Video: What is a Ping? -