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Bluu edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 1 revision

The Matrix4 is the must commonly used matrix for 3D.


import { Matrix4 } from "noobgl-matrix";


new Matrix4(matrix);
  • matrix (optional) may be an array, a Float32Array or another Matrix4 which datas will be copied from.


Here is the map of the Matrix4:

11 21 31 41
12 22 32 42
13 23 33 43
14 24 34 44


.array the Float32Array containing matrix datas.

.mXY (get) shortcuts to access .array datas.

  • m11 m21 m31 m41
  • m12 m22 m32 m42
  • m13 m23 m33 m43
  • m14 m24 m34 m44

.determinant (get) the current determinant of the matrix.

.invertedDeterminant (get) the current inverted determinant of the matrix.

.scaling (get) the current scaling of the matrix.

.rotation (get) the current rotation of the matrix.


set(matrix, offset)

Set the .array by copying datas.

  • matrix an array, a Float32Arrayor anotherMatrix4` which datas will be copied from.
  • offset the offset to use to copy data (default 0).


Set the matrix to its identity.

multiply( matrix )

Multiply the current matrix by another one.

  • matrix an array, a Float32Arrayor anotherMatrix4` which datas will be multiplied with.


Inverse the current matrix if the .determinant allow it.


Transpose the current matrix.


Translate the current matrix on the X axis.

  • translation the translation to apply.


Translate the current matrix on the Y axis.

  • translation the translation to apply.


Translate the current matrix on the Z axis.

  • translation the translation to apply.

translate(x, y, z)

Translate the current matrix on the X, Y and Z axis.

  • x the translation to apply on X.
  • y the translation to apply on Y.
  • z the translation to apply on Z.


Scale the current matrix on the X axis.

  • scaling the scale to apply.


Scale the current matrix on the Y axis.

  • scaling the scale to apply.


Scale the current matrix on the Z axis.

  • scaling the scale to apply.

scale(x, y, z)

Scale the current matrix on X, Y and Z axis.

  • x the scale to apply on X.
  • y the scale to apply on Y.
  • z the scale to apply on Z.


Rotate the current matrix on the X axis.

  • angle the angle to apply.


Rotate the current matrix on the Y axis.

  • angle the angle to apply.


Rotate the current matrix on the Z axis.

  • angle the angle to apply.

rotate(x, y, z, order)

Rotate the current matrix on the X, Y and Z axis.

  • x the angle to apply.
  • y the angle to apply.
  • z the angle to apply.
  • order the order to apply each angle
    • XYZ
    • XZY
    • YXZ
    • YZX
    • ZXY
    • ZYX

rotateAround(x, y, z, angle)

Rotate the matrix around a point.

  • x the X position of the point to rotate around.
  • y the Y position of the point to rotate around.
  • z the Z position of the point to rotate around.
  • angle the angle to apply.


Clone the current Matrix4 instance.

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