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noooway edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Exj is written using Kivy library, which is necessary to run the program.

On Debian GNU/Linux:

sudo apt-get install python2-kivy
git clone /your-folder/
cd /your-folder/exj

On Android device:
Currently, no precompiled package exists, and the simplest way to run the program is by using Kivy Launcher.

  1. Install Kivy Launcher from Google Play.
  2. Locate kivy folder on your device ( e.g. /storage/emulated/0/kivy ).
  3. Download Exj sources, unpack them, and move the exj-master folder into kivy folder (some archivers create intermediate folder while unpacking; the directory containing source code is necessary).
  4. Run Kivy Launcher and select "exj".
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