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Merge pull request zkSNACKs#10346 from ichthus1604/UI-Decoupling11
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[VDG] UI Decoupling #11
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soosr committed Apr 20, 2023
2 parents ab64b97 + 65bdc2d commit d3f73fb
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Showing 23 changed files with 737 additions and 51 deletions.
115 changes: 111 additions & 4 deletions
Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,20 @@ myUiControl.Text = result;

- [ConfigureAwait FAQ](

## Disposing Subscriptions in ReactiveObjects
## Never throw AggregateException and Exception in a mixed way
It causes confusion and awkward catch clauses.


# UI Coding Conventions

The following is a list of UI specific coding conventions. Follow these any time you are contributing code in the following projects:
- `WalletWasabi.Fluent`
- `WalletWasabi.Fluent.Desktop`
- `WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators`

## Disposing Subscriptions in ReactiveObjects

**DO** follow [ReactiveUI's Subscription Disposing Conventions](

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,9 +252,103 @@ If it seems not possible to implement something without breaking some of this ad
## Avoid using Grid as much as possible, Use Panel instead
If you don't need any row or column splitting for your child controls, just use `Panel` as your default container control instead of `Grid` since it is a moderately memory and CPU intensive control.

## Never throw AggregateException and Exception in a mixed way
It causes confusion and awkward catch clauses.
## ViewModel Hierarchy

The ViewModel structure should reflect the UI structure as much as possible. This means that ViewModels can have *child* ViewModels directly referenced in their code, just like Views have direct reference to *child* views.

**DO NOT** write ViewModel code that depends on *parent* or *sibling* ViewModels in the logical UI structure. This harms both testability and maintainability.


- ✔️ `MainViewModel` represents the Main Wasabi UI and references `NavBarViewModel`.
- ✔️ `NavBarViewModel` represents the left-side navigation bar and references `WalletListViewModel`.
-`NavBarViewModel` code must NOT reference `MainViewModel` (its logical parent).
-`WalletListViewModel` code must NOT reference `NavBarViewModel` (its logical parent).
-`WalletListViewModel` code must NOT reference other ViewModels that are logical children of `NavBarViewModel` (its logical siblings).

## UI Models

The UI Model classes (which comprise the *Model* part of the MVVM pattern) sit as an abstraction layer between the UI and the larger Wasabi Object Model (which lives in the `WalletWasabi` project). This layer is responsible for:

- Exposing Wasabi data and functionality in a UI-friendly manner. Usually in the form of Observables.

- Avoiding tight coupling between UI code and business logic. This is critical for testability of UI code, mainly ViewModels.

**DO NOT** write ViewModel code that depends directly on `WalletWasabi` objects such as `Wallet`, `KeyManager`, `HdPubKey`, etc.

✔️ **DO** write ViewModel code that depends on `IWalletModel`, `IWalletListModel`, `IAddress`, etc.

**DO NOT** convert regular .NET properties from `WalletWasabi` objects into observables or INPC properties in ViewModel code.

**DO NOT** convert regular .NET events from `WalletWasabi` objects into observables in ViewModel code.

✔️ If such conversions are required, **DO** write them into the UI Model layer.

## UiContext

ViewModels that depend on external components (such as Navigation, Clipboard, QR Reader, etc) can access these via the `ViewModelBase.UIContext` property. For instance:

- Get text from clipboard: `var text = await UIContext.Clipboard.GetTextAsync();`

- Generate QR Code: `await UIContext.QrGenerator.Generate(data);`

- Open a popup or navigate to another Viewmodel: `UIContext.Navigate().To(....)`

This is done to facilitate unit testing of viewmodels, since all dependencies that live inside the `UiContext` are designed to be mock-friendly.

**DO NOT** write Viewmodel code that directly depends on external device-specific components or code that might otherwise not work in the context of a unit test.

## Source-Generated ViewModel Constructors

Whenever a ViewModel references its `UiContext` property, the `UiContext` object becomes an actual **dependency** of said ViewModel. It must therefore be initialized, ideally as a constructor parameter.

In order to minimize the amount of boilerplate required for such initialization, several things occur in this case:
- A new constructor is generated for that ViewModel, including all parameters of any existing constructor plus the UiContext.
- This generated constructor initializes the `UiContext` *after* running the code of the manually written constructor (if any).
- A Roslyn Analyzer inspects any manually written constructors in the ViewModel to prevent references to `UiContext` in the constructor body, before the above mentioned initialization can take place, resulting in `NullReferenceException`s.
- The Analyzer demands the manually written constructor to be declared `private`, so that external instatiation of the ViewModel is done by calling the source-generated constructor.

❌ Writing code that directly references `UiContext` in a ViewModel's constructor body will result in a compile-time error.

❌ Writing code that indirectly references `UiContext` in ViewModel's constructor body will result in a run-time `NullReferenceException`.

✔️ Writing code that directly or indirectly references `UiContext` inside a lambda expression in a ViewModel's constructor body is okay, since this code is deferred to a later time at run-time when the `UiContext` property has already been properly initialized.


// ❌ BAD, constructor should be private
public AddressViewModel(IAddress address)
if (condition)
//❌ BAD, UiContext is null at this point.

// ✔️ GOOD, constructor is private
private AddressViewModel(IAddress address)
//✔️ GOOD, UiContext is already initialized when the Command runs
NextCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => UiContext.Navigate().To(someOtherViewModel)));

If you absolutely must reference `UiContext` in the constructor, you can create a public constructor explicitly taking `UiContext` as a parameter:

// ✔️ GOOD,
public AddressViewModel(UiContext uiContext, IAddress address)
UiContext = uiContext;

// ✔️Other code here can safely use the UiContext since it's explicitly initialized above.

In this case, no additional constructors will be generated, and the analyzer will be satisfied.

114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators/AnalyzerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators;

public static class AnalyzerExtensions
public static List<IdentifierNameSyntax> GetUiContextReferences(this SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel semanticModel)
.Where(x => x.Identifier.ValueText == "UiContext") // faster verification
.Where(x => semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(x).Type?.ToDisplayString() == UiContextAnalyzer.UiContextType) // slower, but safer. Only runs if previous verification passed.

public static bool IsPrivate(this ConstructorDeclarationSyntax node)
return node.Modifiers.Any(m => m.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword));

public static bool IsPublic(this ConstructorDeclarationSyntax node)
return node.Modifiers.Any(m => m.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword));

public static bool IsSourceGenerated(this SyntaxNode node)
var filePath = node.SyntaxTree.FilePath;

return filePath is null ||

public static bool IsSubTypeOf(this SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel model, string baseType)
if (node is not ClassDeclarationSyntax cls)
return false;

var currentType = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(cls);
while (currentType != null)
if (currentType.ToDisplayString() == baseType)
return true;
currentType = currentType.BaseType;

return false;

public static bool IsAbstractClass(this ClassDeclarationSyntax cls, SemanticModel model)
var typeInfo =
?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to get Declared Symbol: {cls.Identifier}");

return typeInfo.IsAbstract;

public static bool IsRoutableViewModel(this SyntaxNode node, SemanticModel model)
return node.IsSubTypeOf(model, "WalletWasabi.Fluent.ViewModels.Navigation.RoutableViewModel");

public static bool HasUiContextParameter(this ConstructorDeclarationSyntax ctor, SemanticModel model)
return ctor.ParameterList.Parameters.Any(p => p.Type.IsUiContextType(model));

public static bool IsUiContextType(this TypeSyntax? typeSyntax, SemanticModel model)
if (typeSyntax is null)
return false;

return model.GetTypeInfo(typeSyntax).Type?.ToDisplayString() == UiContextAnalyzer.UiContextType;

public static List<string> GetNamespaces(this ITypeSymbol? typeSymbol)
return GetNamespaceSymbols(typeSymbol)
.Where(x => !x.IsGlobalNamespace)
.Select(x => x.ToDisplayString())

private static IEnumerable<INamespaceSymbol> GetNamespaceSymbols(this ITypeSymbol? typeSymbol)
if (typeSymbol is null)
yield break;

yield return typeSymbol.ContainingNamespace;

if (typeSymbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedType)
foreach (var typeArg in namedType.TypeArguments)
yield return typeArg.ContainingNamespace;
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators/NavigationMetaDataGenerator.cs
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators;
public class NavigationMetaDataGenerator : ISourceGenerator
private const string NavigationMetaDataAttributeDisplayString = "WalletWasabi.Fluent.NavigationMetaDataAttribute";
public const string NavigationMetaDataAttributeDisplayString = "WalletWasabi.Fluent.NavigationMetaDataAttribute";

private const string NavigationMetaDataDisplayString = "WalletWasabi.Fluent.NavigationMetaData";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,8 +129,7 @@ public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)

private static string? ProcessClass(Compilation compilation, INamedTypeSymbol classSymbol, ISymbol attributeSymbol, ISymbol metadataSymbol)
if (!classSymbol.ContainingSymbol.Equals(classSymbol.ContainingNamespace,
if (!classSymbol.ContainingSymbol.Equals(classSymbol.ContainingNamespace, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default))
return null;
Expand All @@ -139,8 +138,7 @@ public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)

var format = new SymbolDisplayFormat(
typeQualificationStyle: SymbolDisplayTypeQualificationStyle.NameAndContainingTypes,
genericsOptions: SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeTypeParameters | SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeTypeConstraints | SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeVariance
genericsOptions: SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeTypeParameters | SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeTypeConstraints | SymbolDisplayGenericsOptions.IncludeVariance);

var source = new StringBuilder($@"// <auto-generated />
#nullable enable
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions WalletWasabi.Fluent.Generators/Properties/launchSettings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"profiles": {
"Profile 1": {
"commandName": "DebugRoslynComponent",
"targetProject": "..\\WalletWasabi.Fluent\\WalletWasabi.Fluent.csproj"

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