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a small and simple helper library to manually download browsers for playwright usage.


this library is under development - the API is subject to change.


nor0x.Playwright.BrowserDownloader allows to manually download browsers for Playwright usage, in a managed way from .NET. It allows injection of a custom HttpClient and reports download progress via IProgress. It ships with the browsers.json file from Playwright but can also handle a custom version file.

var downloader = new BrowserDownloader(new MyCustomHttpClient());
await downloader.DownloadBrowserAsync("chromium", "mac12", new Progress<double>(progressCallback));

void progressCallback(double p)
    Console.WriteLine("download progress: " + p);

specific version

specific versions can be set by passing the version string to the DownloadBrowserAsync method. If there is already an IPlaywright object available, the executable path for a browser engine can be set directly.

using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
var downloader = new BrowserDownloader();
await downloader.DownloadBrowserAsync("firefox", "win64", downloadPath: browserPath, executablePath: playwright.Firefox.ExecutablePath);

more info

happy coding and mtfbwya ✨