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node-red-contrib-interval-switch Readme

This package provides a node emits messages periodically. The interval can be switched on or off.

Possible Input Payloads

  • "start" | "on" | "1" | 1 | "true" | true is a start signal
  • "stop" | "off" | "0" | 0 | "false" | false is a stop signal
  • "toggle" is either a start or a stop signal depending on the current state


  • duration: time in seconds between output signals
  • payload: value that is put into payload of output-signals (an empty object by default)
  • counterPath: a property path in msg where the iteration counter should be stored (potentially modifying/overwriting the payload configured above)
  • immediate: boolean that specifies, if the first output-signal will be emitted right upon starting or after a first "duration" period.