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Handy-dandy Mongo integration testing utility that starts a local Docker container running Mongo if you're not running in a CI/CD pipeline. This allows you to run integration tests locally in a manner similar to how they'd be run in the CI/CD pipeline. This module does nothing when running in a CI build pipeline, because Mongo should be configured as part of the build via something like .gitlab-ci.yml's services element.

This package is intended to be installed in your project in devDependencies.

Your application must install its desired versions of mongodb and/or mongoose.

NOTE: requires a Unix-y shell (/usr/bin/env sh) to be available. This is not designed to run on Windows; PRs/MRs welcome.


const { mongoConnect } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')

const db = await mongoConnect()

// now you can do db.createCollection(), etc
// db.client is mongo client

Usage to work in both local environment & CI pipeline:

const { mongoConnect } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')
const db = await mongoConnect(process.env.CI_COMMIT_SHA ? { host: 'mongo', port: 27017 } : undefined)

You can also drop collections:

const { dropCollections } = require('@northscaler/mongo-test-support')
await dropCollections({db}) // drops all collections
await dropCollections({db, names: ['foos', 'bars']}) // drops named collections
await dropCollections({db, names: []}) // no collections dropped


The default configuration is pretty conventional, with the sole exception of the default port that Mongo will listen on for clients. Instead of 27017, which might already be in use on developers' machines when they run integration tests, the default configuration uses 37017. It is a TODO to search for an available port.

NOTE: This module detects when it's running in a CI/CD pipeline by seeing if the environment variable CI_COMMIT_SHA or GITHUB_SHA is of nonzero length.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be set to configure the docker container:

  • MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_TAG: The tag of the mongo Docker image or custom image to use, default latest
  • MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_PORT: visible client port on localhost to map to container port, default is content of mongo/default-mongo-test-port
  • MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_CONTAINER: name of container, default is content of file mongo/default-mongo-test-container
  • MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_CONTAINER_PORT: mongo client port in container, default 9042
  • MONGO_TEST_SUPPORT_IMAGE: docker image name, default mongo