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A command based mod that can be used by other Minecraft modifications to easily add advanced AI to their entities.


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AAI is a MCreator mod that other MCreator mods can use and possibly coded mods to set up advanced pathfinding and fatures though a simple command. The modification uses entity NBT tags to control the movement of the entity allowing for searching for target blocks then pathfind toward the target.


When will it be released?

At the moment there is no release date, we can say it will be after MCreator 2023.1 is released though but it falls heavily on development. I don't really have a date to give just that 2023.1 will have features we need for pathfinding.

Will it support Minecraft 1.x.x?

At the moment we will be supporting 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 but this might chnage come MCreator 2023.1

Will it support fabric?

NBT variables are required for some of the features which are forge only features so the odds of a fabric version or any other platform is unlikely.

Sites and Pages

📚 AAI Wiki

The Wiki tab here on this repository offers a good number of documentation on the modification, we are updating it as we go!

💡 AAI Ideas Discussion

If you have a idea, suggestion or want to give feedback, the Ideas discussion category is the place to post it. If its possible to intergrate into our plans for the modification we will reopen or make a new post on the issues tab for keeping track of future updates.

📊 AAI Projects

The projects tab keeps track of planned features, and their progress for each open issue task. There is three main views for seeing the progress on the projects page for this Modification.

📆 AAI Milestones

Milestones help us keep track of what needs to be done still in a update, we sort issues tasks into milestones so we know what still needs to be done. Also the Projects tab makes use of milestones to sort the features we still need to do too.

🐛 AAI Issues and Bugs

You can report any issues or bugs you encounters on this discussion category. If we are able to determin the cause we will fix the issue. We ask that you don't use the Issues tab for reporting issues depsite the name we are currently using this for planning here. Instead post on the discussions and will will link to the thread in a issue related to the problem or move the the discussion to its own issue.

📝 Development and Plans

The issues tab has all open tasks we want to work on, some things are early in planing and require more details and planning in the future but we want to keep the ideas transparent and clean so people can easily find things planned so when suggesting new things under the Idea discussion it will not be for things alreay planned. We ask that you don't report issues here instead report them on the discussions tab under the report-issue category.


A command based mod that can be used by other Minecraft modifications to easily add advanced AI to their entities.








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