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Encapsulation Example. Austin Alcoser

aalcoser45 edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 4 revisions

Encapsulation is the process of creating private variables thus hiding their values from outside classes, however they are accessed through public methods within the same class. Through this concept, a class can have full control over what is in its variables.


public class EcapExample {

private String middlename;

private int age;

private String hobby;

public int getAge() {

return age


public String getMiddlename() {

return middlename;


public String getHobby() {

return hobby;


public void setAge(int newAge) {

age = newAge();


public void setMiddlename(String newMiddlename) {

middlename = newMiddlename();


public void setHobby(int newHobby) {

hobby = newHobby();


public class runEcapExample {

public static void main(String[] args){

EcapExample ecap = new EcapExample();




System.out.println("Middle name: " ecap.getMiddlename() + " Age: " + ecap.getAge()); } }