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Analyze Bob Ross' television show: "The Joy of Painting" and draw conclusions from categorical data.

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Final Project : Bob Ross

Special thanks to Sharon Ng ( for helping me learn the ropes of pandas and seaborn.

Data Set Description

I chose the Bob Ross dataset from fivethirtyeight's GitHub repo:

This dataset revolves around Bob Ross' television show, "The Joy of Painting", which aired from 1983 to 1994. Bob Ross painted a total of 381 works while featured guests created an additional 22 paintings for a grand total of 403 paintings over 11 years of airtime.

The creator of this dataset, Walt Hickey, analyzed every episode of Bob Ross' show and generated 67 keywords which described content (trees, water, mountains, clouds, etc.), frame choices, guest artists, and even structures, for a total for 3,224 tags.

I did not read Walt Hickey's analysis until after writing this report.

Initial Data Exploration Plan

My initial plan was to understand the following dataset attributes:

  1. The shape of the dataset: (403, 69)
  2. What features/attributes were in the dataset: 69 different keywords
  3. How the dataset was formatted: Categorical, binary-encoded
data_filename = './data/elements-by-episode.csv'
initial_df = pd.read_csv(data_filename)

--- Output ---
(403, 69)


0	S01E01	"A WALK IN THE WOODS"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	...	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
1	S01E02	"MT. MCKINLEY"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	0
2	S01E03	"EBONY SUNSET"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	1	0
3	S01E04	"WINTER MIST"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	...	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
4	S01E05	"QUIET STREAM"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
5 rows × 69 columns

Rename Columns to Lowercase

The next step was to change all of the column names to lowercase so I wouldn't have to abuse my caps lock button throughout this project.

# Change all column names to lowercase
# This will make it easier to group related features in the next section,
# so I don't have to repeatedly toggle caps lock
lowered_df = initial_df.copy()
lowered_df.columns = initial_df.columns.str.lower()

Frequency of Paintings' Features

Now that the data is slightly easier to read and write, let's sort the features and find out which are most commonly seen throughout Bob's paintings.

  • We're only looking at the paintings' features here, so it's safe to drop the episode and title features.

  • We'll have to transpose the data, meaning swap the axis of the dataset so the rows are indexed by the features and each column is a unique episode.

    transposed_df = lowered_df.copy()
    transposed_df = transposed_df.drop(labels=['episode', 'title'], axis=1)
    transposed_df = transposed_df.transpose()

    Transposed dataframe

    Transposed dataframe

  • After transposing the dataframe, we can create a new column named "sum" which aggregates each row (painting feature) using the sum function.

    • This will sum all the 1's in the row to give us a grand total per feature.
    transposed_df['sum'] = transposed_df.agg(func=sum, axis=1)
    sum_sorted = transposed_df['sum'].sort_values(ascending=False)
    --- Output ---
    tree              361
    trees             337
    deciduous         227
    conifer           212
    clouds            179
    mountain          160
    lake              143
    grass             142
    river             126
    bushes            120
    snowy_mountain    109
    mountains          99
    cumulus            86
    structure          85
    rocks              77
    snow               75
    cabin              69
    winter             69
    framed             53
    path               49
    sun                40
    waterfall          39
    oval_frame         38
    ocean              36
    waves              34
    cirrus             28
    beach              27
    fence              24
    fog                23
    guest              22
    Name: sum, dtype: int64

As you can see, Bob Ross loved to draw trees. Below is a bar plot generated with to show just how much he loved his trees in relation to other features.

  • The labels are difficult to read, but we resolve this by grouping features in the Feature Engineering section of this report.

Frequency of each feature

Frequency of each feature

Feature Correlation: Heatmap

Now that we know that Bob Ross loved to paint trees, let's dial in an see if there's some correlation between the painting's features. We'll use sns.heatmap to generate a correlation heatmap of all features.

  • The lighter the pixel, the more positively correlated the two features are
  • The darker the pixel, the more negatively correlated the two features are
  • NOTE: Not all features are in the axes' labels because it would be crowded and impossible to read. We resolve this later in the Feature Engineering section
# Create correlation heatmap of all ungrouped features
corr = lowered_df.corr()
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set(title='Correlation of all ungrouped features')

Correlation of ungrouped features

There are a handful of highly positive and negative correlation, let's dive deeper to find what they are

We see in the heatmap that there are a handful of highly positive and negative correlations (look for the very light and dark pixels).

Actions taken for data cleaning and feature engineering

As seen above, we ran into graphical issues when trying to plotting correlations between individual features. Let's group our related features in order to reduce clutter in our plots.

Grouping of Related Features

I noticed a lot of the features were related and could be grouped together.

  • For example, I could create a group called group_tree and add the following features: group_tree = ['conifer', 'deciduous', 'palm_trees', 'tree', 'trees']
  • Or create a group called group_structure and add the following features: ['barn', 'bridge', 'building', 'cabin', 'dock', 'farm', 'fence', 'lighthouse', 'mill', 'structure', 'windmill']

Grouping these features will allow me to see the bigger picture of how different features are used together.

  • We'll create multiple lists, each a different category containing the related features.

    # Group related features, such as trees, structures, water, etc.
    group_tree = ['conifer', 'deciduous', 'palm_trees', 'tree', 'trees']
    group_structure = ['barn', 'bridge', 'building', 'cabin', 'dock', 'farm', 'fence', 'lighthouse', 'mill', 'structure', 'windmill']
    group_water = ['beach', 'lake', 'lakes', 'ocean', 'river', 'waterfall', 'waves']
    group_frame = [col for col in lowered_df.columns if 'frame' in col]
    group_cloud = ['cirrus', 'clouds', 'cumulus']
    group_plant = ['bushes', 'cactus', 'flowers', 'grass']
    group_mountain = ['cliff', 'mountain', 'mountains', 'hills', 'snowy_mountain']
    group_guest = ['diane_andre', 'guest', 'steve_ross']
    group_winter = ['winter', 'snow']
    all_groups = group_tree + group_structure + group_water + group_frame + group_cloud + group_plant + group_mountain + group_guest + group_winter
  • Then we'll add all the lists into one list named all_groups , create the group_FEATURE column in the dataframe, and finally drop the individual feature columns from the dataframe in favor of the grouped ones.

    • NOTE: We're using the .agg() function again with the max function. This is the same as saying group_cloud = any(['cirrus', 'clouds', 'cumulus']) for each episode. If any of those 3 features == 1, then group_cloud will also == 1.
    all_groups_df = lowered_df.copy()
    groups = [
        ('group_tree', group_tree), ('group_structure', group_structure),
        ('group_water', group_water), ('group_frame', group_frame),
        ('group_cloud', group_cloud), ('group_plant', group_plant),
        ('group_mountain', group_mountain), ('group_guest', group_guest),
        ('group_winter', group_winter)
    for group_name, group_columns in sorted(groups):
        all_groups_df[group_name] = all_groups_df[group_columns].agg(func=max, axis=1)
        all_groups_df = all_groups_df.drop(labels=group_columns, axis=1)

Our dataframe is now much less cluttered and contains 2/3 fewer columns. We could further group the smaller features together, but I omitted this step because I wanted to show how the less-frequent features related to one another.


--- Output ---
episode	title	aurora_borealis	boat	fire	fog	moon	night	path	person	...	sun	group_cloud	group_frame	group_guest	group_mountain	group_plant	group_structure	group_tree	group_water	group_winter
0	S01E01	"A WALK IN THE WOODS"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	0	0	0	0	1	0	1	1	0
1	S01E02	"MT. MCKINLEY"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	0	0	1	0	1	1	0	1
2	S01E03	"EBONY SUNSET"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	1	0	0	0	1	0	1	1	0	1
3	S01E04	"WINTER MIST"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	0	0	1	1	0	1	1	0
4	S01E05	"QUIET STREAM"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	0
...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...	...
398	S31E09	"EVERGREEN VALLEY"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	1	0	0
399	S31E10	"BALMY BEACH"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	0	1	0	0	0	0	1	1	0
400	S31E11	"LAKE AT THE RIDGE"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	1	0	1	1	1	0	1	1	0
401	S31E12	"IN THE MIDST OF WINTER"	0	0	0	1	0	0	1	0	...	0	0	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	1
402	S31E13	"WILDERNESS DAY"	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	...	0	0	0	0	1	1	0	1	0	0
403 rows × 22 columns

Frequency of Grouped Features

Let's count the appearances of all features now, including groups:

# Count appearances of all groups
summed_groups_df = all_groups_df.copy()
summed_groups_df = summed_groups_df.transpose().drop(labels=['episode','title'])
summed_groups = summed_groups_df.sum(axis=1).astype(int).sort_values(ascending=False)

--- Output ---
group_tree         369
group_water        303
group_plant        230
group_mountain     183
group_cloud        182
group_structure    102
rocks               77
snow                75
winter              69
group_frame         54
path                49
sun                 40
fog                 23
group_guest         22
night               11
portrait             3
moon                 3
boat                 2
aurora_borealis      2
person               1
fire                 1
dtype: int32

As expected, Bob Ross loved his trees. Over 91% of his paintings contained a tree! But now we also see that he frequently painted water.

Grouped Feature Correlation: Heatmap

Just like before, we can create a simple correlation heatmap and get a more generalized output now that we have groups

all_groups_corr = all_groups_df.corr()
ax = plt.axes()
ax.set(title='Correlation of grouped features')
sns.heatmap(all_groups_corr, yticklabels=True)  # Show every y-axis label instead of every other label

Correlation of grouped features

Interesting correlations were highlighted in green boxes

Key Findings and Insights

Feature Correlation: Insights

In order to find out which features are highly correlated, we need to refer back to the EDA lab, specifically Question#9 when we were reshaping the data.

  • First we must stack the data. This will change the columns into individual rows. So, instead of have 1 row with 67 columns, we'll have a multi-indexed row with 67 sub-rows with 1 column (correlation %).

    corr_high = corr.stack()
    --- Output ---
    apple_frame  apple_frame        1.000000
                 aurora_borealis   -0.003522
                 barn              -0.010467
                 beach             -0.013365
                 boat              -0.003522
    wood_framed  waves             -0.015140
                 windmill          -0.002488
                 window_frame      -0.002488
                 winter            -0.022669
                 wood_framed        1.000000
    Length: 4356, dtype: float64
  • Then we'll reset the index, and rename the columns, so we'll have three columns (feature1, feature2, correlation%) and one row for each correlation

    corr_high = corr.stack().reset_index().rename(
        columns={'level_0': 'feature1', 'level_1': 'feature2', 0: 'high_corr'}
    --- Output ---
    feature1	feature2	high_corr
    0	apple_frame	apple_frame	1.000000
    1	apple_frame	aurora_borealis	-0.003522
    2	apple_frame	barn	-0.010467
    3	apple_frame	beach	-0.013365
    4	apple_frame	boat	-0.003522
    ...	...	...	...
    4351	wood_framed	waves	-0.015140
    4352	wood_framed	windmill	-0.002488
    4353	wood_framed	window_frame	-0.002488
    4354	wood_framed	winter	-0.022669
    4355	wood_framed	wood_framed	1.000000
    4356 rows × 3 columns
  • Now that we have all of the correlation values, let's filter the higher correlations and then sort them

    • Remember that correlations can be from -1.0 → 1.0. If the absolute value of the correlation == 1.0, then the feature is likely correlating with itself, so we'll have to remove that
    corr_high = corr_high[corr_high['high_corr'].abs().between(left=0.5, right=0.99)]
    corr_high = corr_high.sort_values(by='high_corr', ascending=False)
    # Remove duplicates, every 2nd row is the same as the row above it except feature1/feature2 are swapped
    corr_high.iloc[::2, :]
    --- Output ---
          feature1	  feature2	          high_corr
    2635	ocean	      waves	              0.969188
    3364	snow	      winter	            0.916661
    237 	beach   	  ocean	              0.855598
    4029	waves	      beach	              0.847090
    2666	oval_frame	framed	            0.829166
    3885	trees	      tree	              0.770751
    2427	mountain	  snowy_mountain	    0.750383
    3572	structure	  cabin              	0.733814
    1192	dock	      boat	              0.706227
    3526	steve_ross	guest	              0.697115
    2478	mountains	  mountain	          0.691492
    1003	cumulus	    clouds              0.546095
    2543	night     	moon	              0.516984
    4084	waves     	trees	              -0.565289
    256 	beach	      trees	              -0.578704
    2632	ocean	      trees              	-0.590175
    4083	waves      	tree	              -0.685392
    255	  beach      	tree	              -0.688180
    3801	tree      	ocean	              -0.718906
    # More information on `corr_high[corr_high['high_corr'].abs().between(left=0.5, right=0.99)]`
    corr_high[corr_high['high_corr'].abs().between(left=0.5, right=0.99)]
    # This applies the `abs()` function to the `high_corr` column, so it turns all negative numbers into positive
    # `.between(0.5, 0.99)` returns all values between 0.5 and 0.99

From the correlation data, we can gather the following obvious insights:

  1. When Oceans are painted, there's a positive correlation of Waves also being painted. Make sense.
  2. When a Beach is painted, there's a positive correlation of an Ocean also being painted. This also makes sense.

We can also gather the following interesting insights:

  1. When a painting is Framed, it's likely it'll be an Oval Frame.
  2. When a painting contains Waves, such as an Ocean or Beach painting, it's unlikely for there to be any Trees.

Grouped Feature Correlation: Insights

Grouping features has its benefits and drawbacks. In short, correlations become more muddled and vague, but you can see a bigger picture of how all related features (groups) are correlated with other groups.

  • Benefits: We can develop a better understanding of the bigger picture of how features are correlated.
  • Drawbacks: We lose the feature-specific correlations, such as the positive correlation of Beach/Ocean/Waves features, when features are grouped together.

From the Grouped Feature Correlation Heatmap, we can find a few interesting correlations surrounded with green boxes...

  1. Person has a nearly 1.0 correlation with fire. Does Bob Ross like to pain people on fire?
  2. Portraits are (highly) positively correlated with group_guests and negatively correlated with group_trees.
  3. Structures are negatively correlated when the painting has water-related features, but positively correlated when the painting has winter-related features.
  4. Furthermore, plant and water-related features are negatively correlated to winter-related features.

Interesting stuff, huh?

Feature Frequency: Mean and Median

We can find the Mean and Median for ungrouped and grouped features in the following code block:

  • For ungrouped features, the Mean occurrence is 48 and the Median is 11.
    • It's important to remember that this data is heavily right-skewed because Mr. Ross loved to paint trees. Over 369 of the 403 paintings (92%) contained trees!
  • For grouped features, the Mean occurrence is 87 and the Median is 45.
    • Grouping the features corrected the skewage a little bit... but the Happy Little Trees are eternally dominant in "The Joy of Painting".

We'll use these Mean and Median values later during our Hypothesis testing.

mean_df = lowered_df.copy()
mean_df.set_index(keys='episode', inplace=True)
mean_df.drop(labels='title', inplace=True, axis=1)
# Average number of occurences for each feature == 48.07
average_occur_mean = mean_df.sum().mean()
# Median number of occurences for each feature == 11
average_occur_median = mean_df.sum().median()
# The Mean (48) is skewed beause Bob Ross loves to draw trees, so we're using the Median (11) number of occurrences instead

grouped_mean_df = all_groups_df.copy()
grouped_mean_df.set_index(keys='episode', inplace=True)
grouped_mean_df.drop(labels='title', inplace=True, axis=1)
# Average number of occurences for each grouped feature == 87
average_occur_mean = grouped_mean_df.sum().mean()
# Median number of occurences for each grouped feature == 45
average_occur_median = grouped_mean_df.sum().median()

Formulate at least 3 hypothesis about this data

Hypothesis 1: If I choose a painting with a Mountain, it's unlikely to also have Snow

# Hypothesis 1: If I choose a painting with a Mountain, it's statistically more likely to also have Snow
grouped_df = lowered_df.copy()
grouped_df['group_mountain'] = grouped_df[group_mountain].agg(func=max, axis=1)
grouped_df = grouped_df.drop(labels=group_mountain, axis=1)

num_mountain_paintings = grouped_df['group_mountain'].sum()  # 183 paintings (45.41%) have a Mountain, above mean and median
grouped_df['snow'].sum()  # 75 paintings (18.61%) have Snow, above mean and median (below grouped mean)
grouped_df['snow_with_mountains'] = grouped_df['group_mountain'] & grouped_df['snow']
num_snow_and_mountain = grouped_df['snow_with_mountains'].sum()  # 31 paintings have Snow and Mountains, below the mean (48) but above the median (11)

num_snow_and_mountain / num_mountain_paintings # 16.94% of paintings with Mountains also have Snow
  • Result: This hypothesis was correct!
  • In fact, the data shows that only about 17% of all Mountain paintings also contain Snow, whereas only 41% of all Snow paintings also contain a Mountain.
  • Furthermore, we can see that the number of paintings that contain a Mountain (183) well exceed the Mean and Median for both ungrouped (48, 11) and grouped (87, 45) feature occurrences.

Hypothesis 2: If the painting is Framed, it's highly likely the painting will not contain a Tree

# Hypothesis 2: If the painting is Framed, it's highly likely the painting will not contain a Tree
grouped_df = lowered_df.copy()
grouped_df['group_tree'] = grouped_df[group_tree].agg(func=max, axis=1)
grouped_df['group_frame'] = grouped_df[group_frames].agg(func=max, axis=1)
grouped_df = grouped_df.drop(labels=group_tree+group_frames, axis=1)

num_all_paintings = len(grouped_df)                      # 403 paintings total
num_framed_paintings = grouped_df['group_frame'].sum()   # 54 Framed paintings
num_framed_paintings / num_all_paintings                 # 13.39% of paintings are Framed

grouped_df['tree_and_frame'] = grouped_df['group_tree'] & grouped_df['group_frame']
num_tree_and_frame = grouped_df['tree_and_frame'].sum()  # 51 Framed paintings with trees
num_tree_and_frame / num_all_paintings                   # 12.66% of paintings are Framed with Trees
num_tree_and_frame / num_framed_paintings                # 94.44% of Framed paintings have Trees
  • Result: This hypothesis was incorrect!
  • It turns out that 94% of framed paintings also contain a tree. This is unsurprising after discovering over 91% of Bob's paintings contain a tree.
  • No need to compare against the Mean and Median value here.

Hypothesis 3: If it's a Winter painting, Bob Ross will have also painted a Structure

# Hypothesis 3: If it's a Winter painting, Bob Ross will have also painted a Structure
# Short and neat way to create the same winter_and_structure column as below
all_groups_df[all_groups_df['group_winter'] == 1].loc[   # Bob Ross has 77 Winter paintings (above the mean & median), 19.10% of all paintings
    all_groups_df['group_structure'] == 1].loc[          # of the 77 Winter paintings, 41 contain a Structure (above median) (53.24%)
        all_groups_df['group_guest'] == 0]               # 22 episodes with guests, 5.45% (22/403) of all episodes are guests

grouped_df = lowered_df.copy()
grouped_df['group_winter'] = grouped_df[group_winter].agg(func=max, axis=1)
grouped_df['group_structure'] = grouped_df[group_structure].agg(func=max, axis=1)
grouped_df['group_guest'] = grouped_df[group_guest].agg(func=max, axis=1)

grouped_df = grouped_df.drop(labels=group_winter+group_structure, axis=1)
num_all_paintings = len(grouped_df)
num_winter_paintings = grouped_df['group_winter'].sum()           # 77 Winter paintings
num_structure_paintings = grouped_df['group_structure'].sum()     # 102 paintings with a Structure

num_winter_paintings / num_all_paintings                          # 19.10% of all paintings are Winter-related
num_structure_paintings / num_all_paintings                       # 25.31% of all paintings have a structure

grouped_df['winter_and_structure'] = grouped_df['group_winter'] & grouped_df['group_structure']
# Make sure it's by Bob Ross, not a Guest
grouped_df['winter_and_structure'] = grouped_df['winter_and_structure'].loc[grouped_df['group_guest'] == 0]
num_winter_and_structure = grouped_df['winter_and_structure'].sum()  # 41 Winter paintings by Bob Ross with a Structure
num_winter_and_structure / num_all_paintings                         # 10.42% of paintings are Winter with Structure
num_winter_and_structure / num_winter_paintings                      # 53.25% of Winter paintings have a Structure
  • Result: This hypothesis is pointing slightly towards correct, but it's too close to tell.
  • There are 41 Winter paintings that contain a Structure.
    • This number is lower than the ungrouped Mean of 48 and grouped Mean and Median of (87, 45), so it's unlikely you'll select a Winter painting that also contains a Structure.
      • BUT, if you're watching Bob Ross paint a Winter scene, there's a little over 50% chance that he'll also paint a Structure.
    • 41 Winter paintings with a Structure is higher than the ungrouped Median of 11. However, I am using grouped features in this hypothesis so it does not make sense to compare the grouped values against ungrouped values.

Conducting a formal significance test for one of the hypotheses and discuss the results

Unfortunately, because the dataset is categorical, we are unable to do a true formal significance test.

  • This is an oversight on my part. After selecting the dataset, and formulating my hypotheses, I was unaware that you could not normalize skewed categorical data.
  • So, instead of performing a significance test, I compared all hypotheses to the Mean and Median values for both ungrouped and grouped features.

Suggestions for next steps in analyzing this data

The next steps in analyzing this data could include describing how Bob Ross & friends name their paintings based on what features were included. Often, the main feature would also have a keyword in the title.

  • For example, if the painting had a lake, it would often include the word "Lake" in the title.

One could analyze how much weight each feature had on the naming scheme of the painting's final title.

Data Set Summary

The data was categorical, simple, and easy to work with and understand at first glance.

However, after deep diving into some of the features and watching the related "The Joy of Painting" episodes, I noticed a few discrepancies in the features. For example in S03E04, the painting's title is "Winter Night", but the winter label is 0, whereas the snow label is 1.

This led me to question how the dataset's author decided whether a painting included a feature or not. However, it's important to note that discrepancies of this nature are easily resolved by grouping related features.


Analyze Bob Ross' television show: "The Joy of Painting" and draw conclusions from categorical data.






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