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The "Oh hey, the video is published, I should put up the plugin" Edition

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@nosoop nosoop released this 18 Aug 12:54
· 20 commits to master since this release

I'm just really slow on these.

Now (ab)using Custom Weapons 3. I hacked around CW3 to make it work like CW2. It works, okay?

All I want is some attribute-related forwards that just tell me about things I care about when they spawn. TF2's attributes work with entities, and so do I.

But enough about that. Make sure you have CW3 installed, because that's what this uses. (Though honestly, it could probably be backported really easily.)

  • is reassault cannon: Complete set of minigun attributes. These plugins just get lazier and lazier when it comes to creating configurable options, don't they? But yeah, this handles all the stuff involving refreshing firing speed on think hooks and windup time. I'm actually surprised the built-in firing rate attribute can be changed while the weapon is running (i.e., not just on loadout refreshes). As shown in the Assault Cannon demonstration video (the concept image I was given named it the Re-Assault Cannon, but whatever).