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Emulator, assembler and sample code for a one operation (OISC) computer.

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Long ago there was a discussion on usenet about what is the simplest possible Turing complete computer. Several were proposed, but it seems that probably a URISC or OISC is the simplest. This computer only has one op-code, so no bits are used in memory to describe the operation, all memory bits are available for addresses. There are many possible variants, some using two "words" per instruction, some three.

I am interested in implementing a nano-scale, maybe biological mechanical computer and/or a optical based computer. So a simple implementation is essential. I choose the simplest possible implementation, each instruction is one memory word long and does a "reverse subtract and skip on Borrow". This machine has two registers, a PC and an accummulator. Every operation subtracts the accumulator from the memory pointed to by the PC. If the operation generates a borrow, the PC is skipped to the next instruction.

This computer is very inefficient in its use of memory bandwidth. Each instruction requires 3 memory accesses.

I like it because the ALU could be done 1-bit serial and it is conceivable to implement millions of processors running simultaneously.

Note that a 1 bit subtractor could be a 3 input 2 output lookup table. So for an optical computer it could be done all optically where at least the cpu and memory data rates could be lots of gigahertz. Each cpu would spend lots of time waiting for its memory to arrive serially. However there are strategies to deal with this depending on "hardware" implementation details.

Description of CPU operation: all addresses are 64 bits, BUT they are bit addressable so the max address space is only 56 bits. The low 6 bits index the bit in the word, counting from LSB

This allows really tricky programming where the top n-64 bits of mem
are used in the subtract. It also is a right shift of acc by n bits
before the subtract

The high n-64 bits of mem is subtracted from the low n-64 bits of acc.
Only n-64 bits in mem and acc are the updated by the subtract. The
other n bits are unchanged.

acc,mem <- mem-acc. 64 bits if on 64 bit aligned address
acc,mem <- mem-(acc<<bits) if unaligned.
borrow is set on the 64-n bits actually acted on in the subtract.

so  if addr=xxx8 56 bits are affected in both mem=MMM..x ACC=x..AAA,
M,A are replaced by the result of the subtract
where M is the subtracted memory bytes and A is the subtracted ACC bytes
and x are unchanged by the subtract.
borrow flag is set based on the bits in the subtract.

For now, I am making a simplified machine. Borrow is only used for
skips, and is not used to borrow from the next subtract. Borrow assumes
unsigned 64 bit cardinals are used, (no signs).
The program counter, pc will never have the low 6 bits set.

To use, checkout the git tree: Then load the rssb.html file in your browser on your local machine. Press buttons and see what it does.

TO DO: finish expanding the assembler. Right now only clr, mov, neg, sub, add and jmp are defined.

Others require self modifying code movi (move indirect), and, xor etc.

Test and do assembler instruction for the bit shifted operations.

Work on the user interface. Borrow actually means the previous instruction borrowed and skipped to this instruction. Not too intuitive.

I also really need a memory watch window.

Write a true assembler with a reasonable syntax. Then allow a user to paste a file into the gui, have the code assembled and ready to run. It would be possible to just paste in the javascript syntax, but it considered insecure to "eval" javascript. This only would matter if the emulator was run on a website instead of locally.


Inspiration on why do a mechanical computer came from a friend of mine who is a docent at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, Ca. He gives a great demo on a Babbage Difference Engine II

A Babbage Difference Engine II is not a computer, it is a calculator, designed by Babbage to calculate successive Polynomials. What is impressive is it is all done with gears and is the size of a grand piano and the weight of a small car.

I have slightly modified the google long.js package. I added unsigned operations. I don't know why people do signed at all, unsigned can be used to do signed operations, but not the other way. This is because 1 bit of precision is sacrified for the sign. long.js could be simplified if none of the other signed operations is really needed.


Emulator, assembler and sample code for a one operation (OISC) computer.






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