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Editor Save Files

notSafeForDev edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

The editor uses something called SharedObjects to store script save data. They are files that gets created and updated each time you save the animation in the editor.

It will always attempt to load script data from SharedObjects, over JSON files that you put in the folder with the animation.

They can be found in the following folder:

C:/Users/User_Name/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/Some_ID/localhost

Each file matches the name of each scripted animation, except ending with -as2/3.sol

It doesn't seem to be possible to rename these files, even if the animation is also renamed. So if you want to rename an animation, it's recommended that you first copy the JSON data and save that in the same folder as the animation. Then you can go ahead and rename the animation swf file. After that, when you open the animation in the editor, it should load the save data from the JSON file instead. Finally, once you save again, a new SharedObject will be created.