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notahat committed Jun 19, 2010
1 parent 3eefadd commit 634ec69
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 1 deletion.
82 changes: 81 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1,6 +1,86 @@
# Machinist 2

This is an early alpha version of Machinist 2.
*Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.*

## What's New?

Now you get all the convenience of Machinist, with the performance of fixtures.

When you create an object, Machinist 2 keeps the object around in the database.
If, in a later test, you request an identical object, Machinist will give you
the cached copy.

## Introduction

Nobody loves fixtures. How do you avoid them?

It would be nice to just make model objects as you need them, but your models
probably have lots of required attributes, which means you end up writing
something like:

user = User.create!(:username => "fred", :email => "", :password => "secret", :password_confirmation => "secret")

when your test only cares about one or two attributes.

With Machinist, you just write:

user = User.make!(:password => "secret")

Machinist knows how to generate values for the attributes you don't specify in
your test. How? You define a blueprint for User class in `spec/blueprints.rb`:

User.bluerint do
username { "user#{serial_number}" } # Each user gets a unique serial number.
email { "#{attributes.username}" }
password { "secret" }
password_confirmation { attributes.password }

## Docs

### Caching

Whenever you generate an object using `make!`, Machinist keeps it in the
database. If you request an identicaly object in another test, you'll get the
cached object back.

- Serial Numbers
- Accessing Other Attributes
- Associations
- make vs make!

## Example

In `app/models/user.rb` you define your model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :username, :email, :password
validates_uniqueness_of :username
validates_confirmation_of :password

In `spec/blueprints.rb` you define a blueprint for the user:

User.bluerint do
username { "user#{sn}" }
email { "#{attr.username}" }
password { "secret" }
password_confirmation { attr.password }

In `spec/models/user_spec.rb` you use Machinist to make a user for you.
Machinist uses the blueprint to generate any attributes you don't explicitly

describe User do
it "should match the user's password" do
user = User.make!(:password => "special-password")
user.password_matches?("special-password").should be_true
user.password_matches?("wrong-password").should be_false

## What's New
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