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Q: How the fuck do i run this?

A1: You don't. A2:

  1. Install rust nightly.
  2. Install postgres.
  3. Create a new DB in postgres.
  4. Install diesel_cli: cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  5. Download this repo: git clone
  6. Go to the folder cd AnimuX
  7. Create a .env file with DATABASE_URL=postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:5432/DATABASE (use your own details)
  8. Run diesel migration run to initiate the DB
  9. Go back to the .env file and add the remaining settings (see: Settings)


  1. ENABLE_GDRIVE (boolean, enable or disable gdrive integration)
    1. GDRIVE_API_KEY (string, your gdrive api key)
    2. GDRIVE_APP_SECRET (string, location of your gdrive secret)
  2. ENABLE_MAL (boolean, enables mal integration) // broken
    1. MAL_SECRET (string, your mal api key)
    2. MAL_CLIENT_ID (string, your mal client id)
  3. BASE_PATH (string, e.g. /api/, set to / if you want to run at root)
  4. ADDRESS (string, e.g.
  5. PORT (string, e.g. 8080)
  6. HCAPTCHA_ENABLED (boolean, enable hcaptcha on registration)
    1. HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY (string, your hcaptcha sitekey)
    2. HCAPTCHA_SECRET (string, your hcaptcha secret)
  7. SECRET (string, secret used for token encryption min 16 chars)
  8. DATABASE_URL (string, DB url you already know this one if you read the tutorial)
  9. ENABLE_MANGO (boolean, enable Mango integration)
    1. MANGO_USERNAME (string, your mango admin username)
    2. MANGO_PASSWORD (string, your mango admin password)
    3. MANGO_URL (string, URL of your mango)
  10. ENABLE_NAVIDROME (boolena, enable Navidrome integration)
    1. NAVIDROME_USERNAME (string, your navidrome admin username)
    2. NAVIDROME_PASSWORD (string, your navidrome admin username)
    3. NAVIDROME_URL (string, URL of your navidrome)
  11. ENABLE_UPLOADER (boolean, enable image uploader)
    1. UPLOADER_PATH (string, where the images should be uploaded)
  12. ENABLE_TORRENTS (boolean, enable torrent requests)
    1. TRANSMISSION_RPC_URL (string, url of your transmission-daemon)
    2. TRANSMISSION_USER (string, your transmission user)
    3. TRANSMISSION_PASSWORD (string, your transmission password)
  13. FILES (string, location of your files)
  14. ROOT_FOLDER (string, location of your files)
  15. ENABLE_RSSMISSION (boolean, enable rssmission configurator)
    1. RSSMISSION_CONFIG (string, your rssmission.json file location)
  16. RESPONSE_SECRET (string, secret for encrypting the responses, min 16 chars)

Fuck you