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notthebobo edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 7 revisions

The MKS modules provide varying functions to accomplish different game goals. The following pages group information about the various parts based on the functions they provide.

The various functions include:

  • Life Support - MKS builds on the USI-LS concept of Supplies (food and water)
  • Habitation - Another USI-LS concept, Habitation is a two factor attribute for each kerbal that tracks how long a Kerbal may stay in a particular vessel without consequences (habitation) and how long a kerbal can stay away from Kerbin (homesickness).
  • Resources - MKS introduces several new resources through the integrated Community Resources Pack (CRP) that are used to produce key items rather than shipping them in. MKS also provides additional means of gathering the resources in addition to the stock drills.
  • Logistics - MKS introduces a means for moving resources within and between bases without them necessarily being attached to each other. This occurs between bases that are close to each other, across the planet, or with orbiting bases that are within the same sphere of influence.
  • Manufacturing - You need to use the MKS refiners, smelters, and crushers to convert the mined resources.
  • Off-World Construction - MKS integrates with Ground Construction for building ships and bases somehwer beside Kerbin. There is still support for Extraplanetary Launchpads (EL), a separate mod, but a different resource chain is used, and installing MKS will change how EL works.
  • Colonization - Colony Supplies provide a way for kerbals to stay out longer without going back to Kerbin. It affects the processing rates for Science, Manufacturing, and ...