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AutoPromo "promotes" apps based on information the pkginfo file.

Hugely Inspired by these: joshua-d-miller's munki-promote

Greg Neagle's P-O-C makecatalogs with support for autopromotion

Borrows the git function from Gusto's autopkg_tools


I wanted to promote apps from testing to production automagically. I wanted to write something in python. I wanted different promotion dates if required.

What does it do?

AutoPromo "moves/promotes" apps between catalogs based on information contained in the pkginfo file stored in a munki repo. For example it can promote an app from the testing catalog to the production catalog. When an app is promoted a slack notification is sent.


  • A Munki Repo
  • Additional information added the pkginfo
  • MacAdmins Python 3
  • Additional information in pkginfo
  • Slack Webhook


In the AutoPromo script you need to set the following variables:

# Set Variables
munki_repo = "path/to/munki/repo"

# Slack Variables
webhook_url = ""
channel = "channel_name"
icon_url = ":arrow_up:"
slack_username = "AutoPromo"

makecatalogs_binary = "/usr/local/munki/makecatalogs"

Each app that you want to promote need to have the following added to its pkginfo file:


<key>7</key> is the number of days until promotion. <string>production</string> is the catalog to promote to.

If you're using autopkg to populate your munki repo, then the autopromotion information can be added to your recipe override.

How it works

The script checks each pkginfo file for _autopromotion_catalogs if that is found the script will use the creation_date sorted in pkginfo and the number of days key to work if the app should be promoted.

I'm using creation_date as this is the date autopkg added the app to our repo.

If an app is promoted the following happens:

  • A slack notification is sent to our monitoring channel
  • makecatlogs is run
  • The changes are push to git.

Example Slack Notification

Slack Message

How we run it

We run the AutoPromo script as part of our nightly autopkg run using a GitLab runner:

GitLab Pipeline

Example pkginfo file:



Promote apps in a munki repo






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