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notypey edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Template for Project Daily Updates


  1. Date and Time
  2. Who and Where

Title (Raspberry Pi 101)

(First impression about the hardware and how it works)

List of Hardwares (and softwares)

Step 1: Introduction

Insert image(s): Explain what's what.

Then how would you do it.

1.STEP 1: First

2.STEP 2: Then

3.STEP 3: finish up......

Insert image(s) for the Step 1-2 above.

4.STEP 4: Optional (showcase the work you done)

Insert image(s): this is what I did

Summery of the day: what you have done, and what would you do the next time.

1.I have learnt about .....

2.I'll continue to Read/Watch/Work on......

3.I think ...... (Where to improve)
