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A libp2p peer database implementation


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This is a library for storing libp2p peer information in a peer to peer (p2p) network. The peerbook plays a key role in a p2p network because it maintains a view over time of the peers that are available in the network.


The following key features define what a peerbook does with the peer records it maintains:

The self record

The self* record is the peer record defined by the public key binary passed into the peerbook using the requires pubkey_bin option when it is started.

The self peer record can not be updated through an API but is updated on a regular schedule. To be able to sign the peer record the peerbook requires a signing function passed in with the sig_fun option.

To affect the data that goes into the self record use the set_ and register_ functions in the peerbook API.

Record expiration

Peer records in the peerbook are expired after a configurable stale_time after which the record is no longer retrievable from the peerbook

Change notification

Local peer change notification. When the self record changes or any new records are put in the store the peerbook will send a local notification {changed_peers, ChangeTuple} with all the add and removed peers since the last notification. To set the rate of notifications, the notification_time option can be used.

Signed metadata

Metadata can be associated with the self peer and is included in the signed peer record. The metadata_funoption can be used to supply a function that is called every time the self peer is updated by the peerbook.

Network ID

The peerbook will only accept peer records that have the same network_id as the peerbook is configured with. This allows multiple overlapping swarms to run without affecting each other by using different network ids.

Note: The default network id allows peer records from any host. Set the network id before actually using a peerbook in a production network.

Using the library

Add the library to your rebar.config deps section:

{deps, [

Note: This library has a few system dependencies. Make sure the following are installed on your system before using:

  • cmake
  • libsodium

Creating a peerbook instance

Usually a peerbook is created as part of a libp2p swarm instance, which ends up using something similar to:

    #{public := PubKey, secret := PrivKey} = libp2p_crypto:generate_keys(ecc_compact),
    SigFun = libp2p_crypto:mk_sig_fun(PrivKey),
    Opts = #{
        pubkey_bin => PubKeyBin,
        sig_fun => SigFun,
    {ok Pid} = libp2p_peerbook:start_link(Opts),
    Handle = libp2p_peerbook:peerbook_handle(Pid)

Since a peerbook is representing a host on a network that host is identified by a public key, and its binary form PubKeyBin. Since the peer entry for the host is signed the options also need to include a SigFun so that the peerbook can update the peer record for this host.

The final step is to retrieve the Handle of the peerbook. Peerbook functions all go through a handle to allow concurrency optimizations.

Getting peers

Fetch a peer record from the peerbook:

    {ok, Peer} = libp2p_peerbook:get(Handle, PeerID)

where PeerID is the binary of the public key of a peer.

The peerbook will return {error, not_found}if the record is not found in the store or has gone stale.

Putting peers

Put a peer recors in the store using:

    libp2p_peerbook:put(Handle, Peer)

Where Peer is a signed peer record. The peerbook will validate the peer against a number of criteria including verifying the signature, whether the peer is stale and supersedes an existing entry and that the network id is acceptable.

Any peers passing validation will be stored and sent out on the next local notification. An errir is returned for Invalid peers.


When the peerbook updates the self record or new peer entries are stored the peerbook will send out a notification to a pg2 group to notify of the new or changed peers.

To join the group:

    libp2p_peerbook:join_notify(Handle, self())

After which the process Pid will receive messages with the following format:

    {changed_peers, { {add, AddMap}, {remove,RemoveSet} }}

Where AddMap is a map of peer public key binaries to peers and RemoveSet is a list of removed peer public key binaries.


A libp2p peer database implementation







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