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Open-Domain Conversational Search Assistant with Transformers

This is the original repository for the paper Open-Domain Conversational Search Assistant with Transformers available here.

Getting Started

Install/Clone Anserini (Java) following this link.

  • You will also need Java 11

Install the rest of the necessary dependencies with the package manager of your choice. If you use conda you can create the env using the search_assistant_env.yml file (depending on the hardware some versions might need to be different):

conda env create -f search_assistant_env.yml

Or you can manually install the necessary packages:

  • pandas - pip install pandas or conda install pandas
  • numpy - pip install numpy or conda install numpy
  • cbor - pip install cbor
  • torch - pip install torch torchvision torchaudio or conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  • transformers - pip install transformers or conda install -c huggingface transformers
  • faiss-cpu - pip install faiss-cpu or conda install faiss-cpu -c pytorch
  • pyserini - pip install pyserini or conda version


Trec CAsT data

The Topics and Resolved Topic Annotations from TREC CAsT 2019 are already provided in the folder 2019_data.

Please follow the original location of the data here in the Year 1 (TREC 2019) part to get the documents to index. The download links for the raw data are also provided below but follow the original link for a more comprehensive explanation.

Processing and Indexing the Data

Instead of preprocessing and indexing the data yourself, you can also download our anserini/pyserini index from here (~30 GB).


After downloading the data we parse all sources to the same jsonl representation (it also removes the duplicates):

python3 --collection "MARCO" --collection_path <.../collection.tsv> --output_folder <path_to_output_folder> --duplicates_file <path to duplicates file>/duplicate_list_v1.0_MARCO.txt

python3 --collection "CAR" --collection_path <.../paragraphCorpus/dedup.articles-paragraphs.cbor> --output_folder <path_to_output_folder>

python3 --collection "WAPO" --collection_path <.../wapo/WashingtonPost.v2/data/TREC_Washington_Post_collection.v2.jl> --output_folder <path_to_output_folder> --duplicates_file <path to duplicates file>/wapo_duplicate_list_v1.0.txt

This process can take some time. If you are using the default parameters you should have a folder with 51 json files in the end.


Then we use Anserini to index and search the data. To index the data created in the previous step run only one of the commands below:

Index using Anserini:

sh ./anserini/target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection JsonCollection -generator LuceneDocumentGenerator -threads 2 -input <path to jsonl files folder> -index <.../index_output_location>/car_marco_wapo -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeRaw -stemmer krovetz

Index using pyserini:

python -m pyserini.index --input <path to jsonl files folder> --collection JsonCollection --generator LuceneDocumentGenerator --index <.../index_output_location>/car_marco_wapo --threads 2 --storePositions --storeDocvectors --storeRaw --stemmer krovetz

Query Rewriting Model

The query rewriting model in the paper is based on a T5 model trained on the CANARD dataset.

The model trained on the CANARD is available to download here. Instructions on how to load and use the model are provided in the python notebook available at: colab_notebooks/t5_query_rewriter.ipynb.

Processed Queries

If you are only interested in the queries already processed by the query rewriting model you can skip the training of the model and use the queries available at:

  • coreferenced_resolved_files/trec_cast_complete_t5_real_time_v1.json

  • coreferenced_resolved_files/trec_cast_complete_t5_real_time_v2.json

Training the Model

Creating the training and evaluation data

The preprocessed data to train the T5 model is already available in the folder T5_training_data, but if you want to create the data start by downloading the CANARD dataset and unzip it to a folder.

After this run the following commands to obtain the data to train the model (the V1 and V2 formats are explained in the paper):

  • Using V1 format:

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/train.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/training_t5_canard_data.tsv --version 1

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/dev.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/validation_t5_canard_data.tsv --version 1

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/test.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/test_t5_canard_data.tsv --version 1

  • Using V2 format:

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/train.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/training_t5_canard_data_v2.tsv --version 2

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/dev.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/validation_t5_canard_data_v2.tsv --version 2

python3 --collection CANARD --input_file <.../CANARD_Release>/test.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/test_t5_canard_data_v2.tsv --version 2

To generate the input for the T5 model using the TREC CAsT dataset (only for evaluation purposes):

python3 --collection CAST --input_file ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_v1.0.json --output_file ./t5_training_data/trec_cast_evaluation.tsv --resolved_file ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_annotated_resolved_v1.0.tsv

Training the model

To train the model load the python notebook available at: colab_notebooks/t5_query_rewriter.ipynb into Google Colab and follow the steps detailed there.

You will need a Google cloud storage account, and you can use the free credits provided by Google to train the model on TPUs.

Create a bucket on your account, load the training data to that bucket and put the bucket name in the notebook in the places where it is needed.

The colab notebook is a modified version of the original notebook provided by the T5 creators. Follow the instructions on the original repository if in need of any additional information.

At the end of the notebook execution, you should have a trained T5 model for query rewriting.

After this just feed the model the queries from TREC CAsT and gather the outputs to use in the retrieval and reranking steps.

Create the Runs

After having the queries generated by the T5 model, we can now evaluate the proposed architecture composed of the transformer query rewriter, the retrieval model, and the transformer reranker on the TREC CAsT 2019 dataset.

As explained in the paper the query rewriter is a T5 model, the retrieval model is LMD, and the transformer reranker is a BERT Model trained on MS MARCO from here.

The TREC CAsT 2019 runs for the evaluation set are already provided in the runs folder, however, you can also create them by following the rest of this section.

Retrieval Only

To generate the retrieval only runs for all query types run:

python3 --topics_json_path ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_v1.0.json --qrel_file_path ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_mod.qrel --similarity lmd --index <.../index_output_location>/car_marco_wapo


To generate the retrieval and reranking runs for all query types run (it is highly recommended to use a GPU device to create this run):

python3 --topics_json_path ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_v1.0.json --qrel_file_path ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_mod.qrel --similarity lmd --index <.../index_output_location>/car_marco_wapo --reranker --reranker_batch_size 8


The script will generate various .run files available at the runs folder, and various .csv files in the results folder with the unnoficial metrics.

Evaluate the Runs

The metrics outputted from the script are not the official metrics, so we now run the official trec_eval script over the generated runs. We provide a version of trec_eval but you can also download a newer version of trec_eval from here if needed.

If you download a newer version of trec_eval you may need to change some files in the official script to include the metrics at rank 3.

  • trec_eval.9.0.4/m_map_cut.c
  • trec_eval.9.0.4/m_P.c
  • trec_eval.9.0.4/m_rel_P.c
  • trec_eval.9.0.4/m_ndcg_cut.c

Just add the desired ranks to the long_cutoff_array variable, e.g.:

static long long_cutoff_array[] = {1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 100, 200, 500, 1000}

Run the command to compile again inside the trec_eval directory:

cd trec_eval.9.0.4 && make

Finally, run this command with every .run file generated by to get the official results which will be written to the results folder:

python3 --run_name <path to trec run file> --out_file_name <name of output file> --trec_eval_location ./trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval --path_to_qrels ./2019_data/evaluation_topics_mod.qrel


If you find anything useful please cite our work using:

  author    = {Rafael Ferreira and
               Mariana Leite and
               David Semedo and
               Jo{\~{a}}o Magalh{\~{a}}es},
  editor    = {Djoerd Hiemstra and
               Marie{-}Francine Moens and
               Josiane Mothe and
               Raffaele Perego and
               Martin Potthast and
               Fabrizio Sebastiani},
  title     = {Open-Domain Conversational Search Assistant with Transformers},
  booktitle = {Advances in Information Retrieval - 43rd European Conference on {IR}
               Research, {ECIR} 2021, Virtual Event, March 28 - April 1, 2021, Proceedings,
               Part {I}},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {12656},
  pages     = {130--145},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {\_9},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-72113-8\_9},
  timestamp = {Wed, 07 Apr 2021 16:01:38 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}


Original repository for the paper Open-Domain Conversational Search Assistant with Transformers.







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