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Workflow status

Advanced cow visualization tool.

Paturage mode

Initial setup

Before proceeding, make sure that you at least have Python 3.10 installed as python3. On some Linux distros, you may have to substitute python3 for python3.10. On Windows, python3 may be substituted by python or py.

Create a Python virtual environment and activate it.

On realOS (i.e. most Unix-like OS', such as Linux, FreeBSD, or macOS):

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

On Windows:

python -m venv env

Install the requirements with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

(If this command isn't recognized, use python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt instead).

You can deactivate the virtual environment by issuing:


Running Flask app

Make sure your virtual environment is still activated.

On realOS:

source env/bin/activate

On Windows:


Generate the database:

flask init-db

This process can take up to 2 minutes. Be patient.

Start the server:

flask run

Running in development environment

If you need Flask to run in development mode (enables live reload among other things), define an environment variable called FLASK_ENV with the value development.

On realOS:

export FLASK_ENV="development"

On Windows (PowerShell):


Directory structure

Path Description
.github/workflows GitHub CI/CD workflows.
public/static Resources used by the webapp. This includes CSS stylesheets, GLSL vertex & fragment shaders, Javascript code (notably for chart rendering) and textures, images, models, and other graphics.
public/templates HTML code for all the different route templates.
src Server code.
work Working files, e.g. Blender projects for 3D models.


We follow OBS commit guidelines, more info here.

Before contributing to MOOdle, you need to install some tools to check that your code follows our code style.


Install editorconfig-checker by running the following command in your virtual environment:

pip install editorconfig-checker

pre-commit hook

The pre-commit hook does various things such as:

  • Making sure there are no terminated whitespaces in staged files
  • Making sure commit message does not contain non-ASCII characters
  • Making sure that the code complies with the .editorconfig rules


To enable the hook (highly recommended), copy the .git-templates/hooks/pre-commit file to .git/hooks/pre-commit:

cp .git-templates/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit


If you need to bypass this hook, use the --no-verify option: Bypassing is generally a bad idea, since this hook is also run in the GitHub workflow.

git commit -m "db: Detailed commit message" --no-verify

More screenshots

Also in white And with a responsive design (for mobile)
