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Alexey Krivonogov edited this page Mar 14, 2014 · 1 revision


Watcher4site is a system, which allows you to keep track of all changes in files on your site. It allows you to find virus infiltrations on your site and all changes in files (scripts). It is freely distributed, and has open source code. It is easy to install and has a simple interface.

No site is 100% secure from hacking and unauthorized changes. Often, this is discovered too late, after a week or even a month, after the site has already been flagged by search engines and antiviruses. Watcher4site is a tool that allows you to discover any changes in scripts or other files as soon as possible. In this case, it will be easier to find the cause of the breach, and you will also be able to see all changes—what was changed, added or deleted. This will help you return the site to its original state.

If you are site owner, Watcher4site will help you sleep better, as you will be certain that you will always be able to discover a breach of your site and virus infection in time. If you are a webmaster, installing this system for your clients will ease your job of supporting them. You can either keep track of changes yourself, or customize so your clients receive all the notifications. If you are a qualified system administrator, you may not need Watcher4site, as you probably have installed programs for early detection of breaches and changes in the system.

The system is easy to install, has a simple and understandable interface, and can be installed on practically any site that has PHP and MySQL. Watcher4site has open source texts and is distributed under an MIT license, which does not impose limitations on its use and modification.