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Feature/add types

Feature/add types #70

Triggered via pull request February 4, 2024 06:57
Status Failure
Total duration 30s


on: pull_request
Matrix: test
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3 errors and 8 warnings
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 21
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './coverage/'
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
The job was canceled because "_21" failed.
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './coverage/'
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 21
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, coverallsapp/github-action@master. For more information see:
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 21
Unexpected input(s) 'file', 'format', valid inputs are ['github-token', 'path-to-lcov', 'flag-name', 'parallel', 'parallel-finished', 'carryforward', 'coveralls-endpoint', 'base-path', 'git-branch', 'git-commit', 'debug']
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 21
Unexpected input(s) 'node-version', valid inputs are ['repository', 'ref', 'token', 'ssh-key', 'ssh-known-hosts', 'ssh-strict', 'persist-credentials', 'path', 'clean', 'sparse-checkout', 'sparse-checkout-cone-mode', 'fetch-depth', 'fetch-tags', 'lfs', 'submodules', 'set-safe-directory', 'github-server-url']
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 21
Unexpected input(s) 'node-version', valid inputs are ['repository', 'ref', 'token', 'ssh-key', 'ssh-known-hosts', 'ssh-strict', 'persist-credentials', 'path', 'clean', 'sparse-checkout', 'sparse-checkout-cone-mode', 'fetch-depth', 'fetch-tags', 'lfs', 'submodules', 'set-safe-directory', 'github-server-url']
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, coverallsapp/github-action@master. For more information see:
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
Unexpected input(s) 'node-version', valid inputs are ['repository', 'ref', 'token', 'ssh-key', 'ssh-known-hosts', 'ssh-strict', 'persist-credentials', 'path', 'clean', 'sparse-checkout', 'sparse-checkout-cone-mode', 'fetch-depth', 'fetch-tags', 'lfs', 'submodules', 'set-safe-directory', 'github-server-url']
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
Unexpected input(s) 'node-version', valid inputs are ['repository', 'ref', 'token', 'ssh-key', 'ssh-known-hosts', 'ssh-strict', 'persist-credentials', 'path', 'clean', 'sparse-checkout', 'sparse-checkout-cone-mode', 'fetch-depth', 'fetch-tags', 'lfs', 'submodules', 'set-safe-directory', 'github-server-url']
Fastify-Firebase Node.js 20
Unexpected input(s) 'file', 'format', valid inputs are ['github-token', 'path-to-lcov', 'flag-name', 'parallel', 'parallel-finished', 'carryforward', 'coveralls-endpoint', 'base-path', 'git-branch', 'git-commit', 'debug']