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Test sets for inversion detection and genotyping


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Inversion Benchmark Data Set

We composed a benchmark data set for evaluating SNP-based inversion detection methods. We collected variant data from three insect data sets. We provide links to the original data sources, a pipeline for processing the raw data into the final usable product for the benchmark, and labels of samples' inversion genotypes.

Overview of Data Sets

Genotype labels are provided under the inversion_genotypes directory, and inversion boundaries are provided under the inversion_boundaries directory.

Data Set Citation Populations (samples)
1000 Anopheles genomes Miles, et al. (2017) gambiae (81), coluzzii (69)
DGRPv2 Mackay, et al. (2012); Huang, et al. (2014) all (198)
UBC Sunflower Genome Project Todesco, et al. (2020) petiolaris (166), fallax (234), niveus (86)
Peach Guan, et al. (2021) persica (149), kansuensis (37)
Blue tit Perrier, et al. (2020) mainland (111), corsica (343)


These positives examples were curated to select subpopulations with clear signals.

Chromosome Population Inversions Genotypes Available
ag1000g_2L An. gambiae (B. Faso) 2La Yes
ag1000g_2R An. gambiae (B. Faso) 2Rb Yes
ag1000g_2R An. coluzzii (B. Faso) 2Rbc, 2Rd, 2Ru Yes
cyan_chrom03 C. caeruleus (mainland) chrom03.01 Predicted
dgrp2_2L D. melanogaster In(2L)t Yes
dgrp2_2R D. melanogaster In(2R)ns Yes
dgrp2_3R D. melanogaster In(3R)p, In(3R)mo, In(3R)k Yes
peach_pp06 P. persica pp06.01 No
sunflowers_pet17 H. niveus canescens pet17.03 Predicted
sunflowers_pet05 H. petiolaris petiolaris pet05.01 Predicted
sunflowers_pet09 H. petiolaris petiolaris pet09.01 Predicted
sunflowers_pet11 H. petiolaris petiolaris pet11.01 Predicted
sunflowers_pet17 H. petiolaris petiolaris pet17.01, pet17.02, pet17.04 Predicted
sunflowers_pet09 H. petiolaris fallax pet09.01 Predicted
sunflowers_pet11 H. petiolaris fallax pet11.01 Predicted
sunflowers_pet17 H. petiolaris fallax pet17.01, pet17.03 Predicted


Chromosome Population
ag1000g_3L An. coluzzii (B. Faso)
ag1000g_3R An. gambiae (B. Faso)
ag1000g_3R An. coluzzii (B. Faso)
cyan_chrom03 C. caeruleus (corsica)
dgrp2_3L D. melanogaster
peach_pp06 P. kansuensis
sunflowers_pet05 H. niveus canescens
sunflowers_pet09 H. niveus canescens
sunflowers_pet11 H. niveus canescens
sunflowers_pet05 H. petiolaris fallax

Uncharacterized phenomena

Chromosome Population
ag1000g_3L An. gambiae (B. Faso)
ag1000g_X An. gambiae (B. Faso)
ag1000g_X An. coluzzii (B. Faso)

Machine Learning Problems

There are several potential machine learning problems associated with these data.

Inversion Segmentation

Given variant data from a population of samples for a chromosome, determine if there are any inversions and their locations. Existing tools require quite a bit of manual parameter tuning to perform localization (segmentation). The goal would be a develop a method that is completely and capable of working even when data include "noise" resulting from pooling samples from multiple locations or closely-related species.

The input to the problem would be a 2D matrix of allele counts. Each position along the chromosome in which nucleotide variation was detected has a column in the matrix. (Positions with fixed nucleotides are excluded -- the matrix is effectively sparse.) The allele counts for each variant are stored in each row. The output would be a 1D vector with an entry for each column with a value of 0 indicating "no inversion" and 1 indicating "inversion detected". See the numpy output format description.

Some thoughts on the approach and associated challenges:

  • Perform the evaluation with each chromosome held out once. There are 16 total chromosomes so there would 16 models trained and evaluated.
  • The number of samples will vary across chromosomes. You can add rows with zeros (zero padding) so that all matrices have the same number of rows.
  • The ordering of the samples is not relevant. The rows can be permuted in the matrix and you should get the same result. There are several ways to handle this. You can generate permutations of the matrices (increasing the training set size) or find a way to sort the entries in a canonical order, or explore deep learning methods like Deep Sets that are permutation invariant.
  • The inversion frequencies will vary quite substantially in potential target data sets. You can use bootstrap sampling (sampling with replacement) to create new data sets for each chromosome that simulate different inversion frequencies. This is effectively a form of data augmentation.
  • Given the small number of samples, methods such as RNNs and LSTMs might not work. Instead, you might want to consider dividing the chromosomes into overlapping windows and performing classification on each window. Combine the results by averaging the predictions from each window.
  • Use the Sørensen–Dice coefficient, Jaccard Similarity, or precision / recall on the predicted and ground truth masks.

Genotype Prediction

Given variant data in a known inversion region from a population of samples for a chromosome, determine the inversion genotypes of the samples (homozygeous inverted, homozygeous standard, and heterozygeous). Existing tools require quite a bit of manual parameter tuning to perform localization (segmentation). The goal would be a develop a method that is completely and capable of working even when data include "noise" resulting from pooling samples from multiple locations or closely-related species.

The input would be a 2D matrix of allele counts. Each position along the chromosome in which nucleotide variation was detected has a column in the matrix. (Positions with fixed nucleotides are excluded -- the matrix is effectively sparse.) The allele counts for each variant are stored in each row. The output would be a 1D vector with an entry for each row (sample) indicating the number of inversion copies (0, 1, or 2). A simpler problem would be to determine if the sample had at least 1 inversion; in which case, the output vector would only contain 0s or 1s. See the numpy output format description.

Some thoughts on the approach and associated challenges:

  • When chromosomes only have a small number of samples of a particular inversion type, exclude that class. For example, only two of the Anopheles gambiae samples arehomozygous for the standard orientation of 2Rb, only 1 Anopheles coluzzii sample is homozygous for one of the inversion orientations for 2Rc and 2Rd, and only two of the blue tit samples are homozygous for one of the inversion genotypes.

Setup Instructions

You will need to download:

  • Drosophila: The dgrp2.vcf VCF file from the Drosophila Genetics Reference Panel v2
  • Anopheles: The biallelic 2L, 2R, 3L, 3R, and X VCF files from the FTP site for the 1000 Anopheles Genomes project phase 1 AR3 data release ( These files are named: ag1000g.phase1.ar3.pass.biallelic.{chrom}.vcf.gz where chrom is 3L, 2R, or 2L.
  • H. petiolaris: Petiolaris.pet_gwas.tranche90_snps_bi_AN50_AF99.vcf.gz from the UBC Sunflower Genome project
  • Prunus: SNP.vcf.gz (for Prunus) from Figshare
  • Cyanistes: BLUE2020VCF.vcf.gz from Dryad

Place these files in the directory input_files. The directory contains an empty file named PLACE_INPUT_FILES_HERE.

To run the pipeline, you will need to install:

Running Pipeline to Generate Output Files

Once you've downloaded the data, you can process the individual data sets with the following commands:

$ snakemake prepare_all

Each task is assigned one thread. If you want to run multiple tasks concurrently, use Snakemake's --cores flag:

$ snakemake --cores 4 prepare_all

Output File Formats

The pipeline will convert the variants into three file formats:

  • VCF (potentially gzipped): This file format can be read by Asaph
  • Plink bed: This file format can be read by pcadapt
  • inveRsion: This text file format can be read by inveRsion
  • Numpy matrices (.npz): Each Numpy .npz file contains three objects. Allele counts are stored as a 2D matrix. Each position along the chromosome in which nucleotide variation was detected has a column in the matrix. (Positions with fixed nucleotides are excluded -- the matrix is effectively sparse.) The allele counts for each variant are stored in each row. Values are either 0 (homozygeous reference), 1 (heterozygous), 2 (homozygeous alternate), or -1 (unknown). A mapping of column indices to genomic coordinates is provided as a 1D array with one entry for each column of the allele counts matrix. A ground truth mask is provided as a 1D array (1 for inversion, 0 for no inverson) with one entry for each column of the allele counts matrix.


If you use this data set, please cite the original papers from which the data are derived:

and our paper describing the test set:


Test sets for inversion detection and genotyping







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