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Repository files navigation

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo to your projects directory (mkdir -p ~/projects && git clone If you have a new computer, you may need to set up your keys.
  2. Make sure you're on the gh-pages branch (cd ~/projects/ && git checkout gh-pages).
  3. Install the dependencies (bundle install).
  4. And, because of how URLs are constructed on GH, you'll either need to run the foreman script with foreman start, or run Jekyll directly with jekyll serve -w --baseurl "" (this is all the Procfile does).

The following script may be of some use. Save it as /tmp/setup and run it (e.g. sh /tmp/setup):

#! /usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p ~/projects && git clone
cd ~/projects/ && git checkout gh-pages && bundle install
echo "You can start up the server now with the following command:"
echo "\n\t foreman start"


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  • CSS 43.4%
  • HTML 42.1%
  • JavaScript 11.5%
  • Ruby 3.0%