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Elderberry Caregiver Application

Try it out

Project Info

Try it out 🧑‍🔬

Try it on expo (Recommended) 👍

  1. Download the expo app

    On Google Play Store

    On App Store

  2. Create an expo account

  3. Open the camera app on your device and scan the code below

    qr image


    Open this link on your device

Local Installation 💻

  1. Download the expo app

    On Google Play Store

    On App Store

  2. Clone repo

    $ git clone ''
    $ cd caregiver-app
  3. Yarn install

    $ yarn
  4. Start expo server

    $ expo start
  5. Scan QR code on http://localhost:19002

Project Info 🙋

Languages & tools 🔧

App building

  • React Native was used to code the application. React Native allows apps written in Javascript to be run on both iOS and Android.

Graph plotting

Other Functionality

  • Expo AV for audio recording and playback
  • React Native Webview to render html reports within the application
  • Axios for calling our API server running on Huawei ECS


App state management

Directory Structure 📁


Other than general components, components are in silo together within the page that they are used.

├── ChatPage
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── RecordModal.js
│   │   └── TextModal.js
│   └── index.js
├── Homepage
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── AnomalyCard
│   │   │   ├── AnomalyPopover.js
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   ├── FoodCard
│   │   │   ├── AddButton.js
│   │   │   ├── ContentList.js
│   │   │   ├── EditFoodGroupModal.js
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   ├── HeartCard
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   ├── RoomCard
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   ├── SleepCard
│   │   │   └── index.js
│   │   └── StepsCard
│   │       └── index.js
│   └── index.js
├── activityPages
│   ├── HeartPage
│   │   ├── Chart.js
│   │   └── index.js
│   ├── MealPage
│   │   ├── Datepicker.js
│   │   ├── OnemealComponents.js
│   │   └── index.js
│   ├── SleepPage
│   │   ├── chart.js
│   │   └── index.js
│   └── StepcountPage
│       ├── chart.js
│       └── index.js
├── login
│   ├── index.js
│   └── loginPage.js
├── pastRecord
│   ├── DoctorCode.js
│   └── index.js
├── profile
│   ├── InfoCard.js
│   └── index.js
└── signup.js


To prevent unnecessary API calls, we used redux to store state with the option for users to refresh data if the need arises. Data is also updated upon entering the app.

├── reducer
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── profile.js
│   ├── updateData.js
│   └── updateFoodData.js
├── state.js
└── store.js


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