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A custom UI MIDI Keyboard Trainer for a 25 keys mini keyboard like the AKAI MPK mini


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I played around with Web-MIDI and a custom UI Design and created a keyboard trainer application based on Ionic 5.


Upright piano KW (sounds)

The sounds in this applications are from a free sound bank:

This sound bank has been created from a Kawai upright piano, located in a living room. Thanks to Inma Martínez de Miguel for kindly letting us access to her home to play and record the piano.

It was recorded by Gonzalo and Roberto on January 2017, using a Zoom H1 portable recorder mounted on a tripod in front of the piano, approximately at the place where the head of a piano player would be.

The raw recordings were cropped, edited, and processed by Roberto, using free software programs. This sound bank, in several formats and qualities, is available on the FreePats project web pages:

Published under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication:

Many Many Thanks to them <3

Known Issues

  • Some animation issues
    • All the custom animations stress flex to its limits i think
    • On the play page there are a lot of panels (it lags a bit with everything on)
      • -> investigate -> its getting better! -> probly piano roll as flex is troublesome...
    • Might be fixed with the styles clean up
  • Having the options in the menu is quite nice but it is in the dom the whole time
    • As popover it would be lazy loaded but its not so nice
    • Also having all the options available at the same time might be a bit much
    • Still dont know about Setter and Getter pattern


  • clean up styles
    • Animation Performance
  • add more lessons
  • multiple midi devices (select one)

Next Version Features

  • Stats on lessons (page)
  • Multiple piano rolls for portrait view one octave each ? 24 keys.. or one dbl

IOS (need a mac for this... dayum)

add ios platform ionic cordova platforms add ios ionic cordova build --release ios (fails with "xcodebuild was not found. Please install version 9.0.0 or greater from App Store") could install vm with macos and xcode ionic has a package service but account needed (not free)


Add android platform

ionic cordova platforms add android

Create KeyStore for NP

  1. Generate .keystore keytool -genkey -v -keystore %KEYSTORENAME%.keystore -alias %USER% -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  2. Migrate key keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore %KEYSTORENAME%.keystore -destkeystore %KEYSTORENAME%.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12

Create .apk File (Windows)

  1. Build unsigned apk ionic cordova build --release android
  2. Sign apk jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore %KEYSTORENAME%.keystore -storepass %PASSWORD% platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release-unsigned.apk %USER% %USER% password: %PASSWORD%
  3. Optimize apk zipalign -v 4 platforms\android\app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release-unsigned.apk .\release\np-25keys.apk


A custom UI MIDI Keyboard Trainer for a 25 keys mini keyboard like the AKAI MPK mini








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